yellow tips and some odd growth, mutation?


Active Member
Hello all, it's my first post here and also my first grow ever.

I think it is going allright so far, they are 40 days old now. I know the space could be more grand but this is just a kind of a "proof of concept" trial grow. Will move to a more spacious closet sooner than later...

I have two variants growing, don't know the breed nor the sex, just dugg up some two, three year old seeds, did throw 20 on paper, five or six sprouted and then eventually two survived the first week (it was harsh, decided to move them from soil to rockwool, switched to nutriant mixed water and then eventually to the icelandic volcano lava rock thingy so it was no wonder some died out)
Then to my questions...
  • First, I want to ask about the yellow leaf tips, I have just noticed that both my plants are "developing" them. Is it because of to low humidity? not enough nutriants? or maybe to much? or is it just a cause of how close they are to the lamp and the tips just get too hot and dry out?
  • Secondly, the yellow dying leafs at the bottom, that is just how it's suposed to be, right? The lowest leafs turn yellow and die as the plants grows taller?
  • Thirdly, one of the plants, the smaller one, I think has gone "mental" :grin:
    It is "sprouting" out new "brances" (don't know the right words for this, hope you'll understand) But the plant now has four, while the other one, the bigger one, only has one at the top that grows upwards, like normal. The small one has mutated center branch or some. I've attached picture of the "thing". The plant still, also, grows upwards like normal with one of the branche sprout. I think I'll have to make some preparations, cause if all of these branches grow out, the main stem won't hold it up for long cause it's not very strong as it is.
    So I ask, what is the deal here, is this a lost cause? will the plant eventually die from it's own deformity? has anyone had this?
I've attached few pics to help clearify what I'm talking about...





Active Member
if that is the only bulb in there you need to get more. im running on 1000w of cfl bulbs.
i bet that one bulb is only 42w


Active Member
as a quick response, yes this is the only bulb in this box, I will soon (in 1 or 2 weeks) move them to a larger box and that one is equipped with a much larger 115W/U4 dual spectrum 6400/2700K grow bulb.


Active Member
well if you dont start getting more light to them soon they wiil just wilt and die. i did the same mistake for my first grow but didnt get as far as you have.



Well-Known Member
Wow that's impressive that they grew the way they did with one light. Get some more lights bro.

The bottom round leaves are suppose to turn yellow and will fall off on there own. You shouldn't worry much about nutrients until these fall off. It looks like your overfertilizing a bit. Also your plants look okay to me.

How tall are they in inches?