yellow tips on on of my ladies


Active Member
high all lol i have a question for all u experienced growers out there i have two female plants growing in a closet about 3 ft by 5ft ive been in flower stage for about 5 wks i use mg tomato food on both one is a pure indica the one i am concerned with is an sativa indica hybrib she is getting the tips of the fan leaves turning yellow i think its nut burn so i flushed my soil 2 days in a row 3 times each day any advie ?


Active Member
dudes i have had a few outdoor crops come in full term and havent had any probs but indoor is tricky need more experience and mayby a little help please ps my ladies are definiatly female.


Well-Known Member
you most likely got the PH off .In the water or the soil.Iam guessing you are growing in soil? What nutrs are you useing? You may need some cal-mag plus.They are flowering and use up alot of carbos.What kind of lights ,water ,air temps,humidity.we need to know these things to help you with your grils.But I say its a PH problem. Peace


If the tips of your leaf's turned a little yellow right after you fed them, you got a small nute burn, if it didnt go any further than that, you didnt need to flush! this is your plant responding to you. flushing in soil can espcially cause more problems for you.. if you burned the plant so bad whole leafs are burning then yes, flush. But if it's just the tips, leave if be, she'll be fine, now you have a good gauge on how many nutes she wants.

Pics would be better to be sure. make sure your ph is 6-7.


Active Member
no pics i am a poor farmer lights are 150 watt hps at 18" away no way to test ph so im hoping for luck no more burn just right at the tips growing in miracle gro potting soil feeding with miracal grow tomato food temp is around 75-80 humidity around60


Well-Known Member
Correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure the PH level is just as imporant as watering your plant, if you cant tell the PH level then i think your done for. i think the PH tabs run for $10 at any fish store.


Active Member
wellman i m not too sure that i have a ph problem dont you think if it was i would have seen a problem in veg stage of growth?


Well-Known Member
you have it in miracal-gro, and your feeding that could the propblem, most of those mix's have enough feeding supplies to last up to three mounths. and since you don't won't to buy a ph tester just wait it out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
agreed^^ but i think it doesnt matter in the beggining stages as much as it would in the veg stage just because the plant is older and more greedy rather then when its young its just striving to stay alive and takes what it can have, but yea i agree with token.


Active Member
it's normal in flower for the leaves to start to yellow towards the middle to end of flower. your plant is using all the energy that is stored in the leaves to produce those wonder, sticky buds. you can off set this with getting some carbo load from advanced nutrients. it's pretty much pure can sugar that your plants will use instead of the sugar in the leaves. but if you can't don't worry too much, it's normal.


Active Member
The 1st 2 leaves that came out on a plant i just planted a few wks ago turned yellow on 1/2 the leaf and was kind of droopy. I stopped watering them for 4 days.Then I used a fish emulsion fert.(It doesn't burn your plant) which has phos,nitro and potash. I switched from a grow bulb to a cfl 2" above the plant, put a fan in the closet. I water it about every 4 days. Now it's looking a lot healthier.


Active Member
thanks all u heads i think my delema is over i flushed real good when i first noticed the very small yellow tips just the tips not the whole leafe not seeing any more anb buds are still getting bigger also there is no yellowing in the leaves on the buds oh buy the way buds are about 3.5"long and tight all coverd with crystles smell great and are sticky wiil try a method i read about in high times with sugar thanks for all the great input all keep on tokin PEACE


Well-Known Member
F%^& HOMEDEPOT worst customer service and i know people that work there and hate it, haha but yea just thought i might let my true feelings out!