Yellow tips on the leaves--a sign of nute burn?


I have some yellow tips on the ends of some otherwise very green leaves--

(Then some of the leaves are dying there too).

Is that nute, or light burn?

(But most of the leaf itself is very green--just a few cms at the end are yellow.)

I appreciate any advice!


Active Member
its not very easy for the people on here to help you out unless you post pics.... if you can post time youll almost have a for sure answer


Active Member
I agree with Werry420, need some pics.

Usually if just the tips are turning yellow you are low on nitrogen, if you leaf tips are turning yellow, then to a crispy brown tip then you got nute burn. Flush, give it a couple of days, then start 1/4 nutes again and work your way back up.

Good Luck!


Thanks--it sounds like nute burn then (cuz its turning yellow, then browning and dying).

They're in soil, so I'll just had some RO water and see if that helps!

(Sorry about no pics--my stupid camera broke, but I'm going to get another one soon :)

I really appreciate the advice!


Active Member
Thanks--it sounds like nute burn then (cuz its turning yellow, then browning and dying).

They're in soil, so I'll just had some RO water and see if that helps!

(Sorry about no pics--my stupid camera broke, but I'm going to get another one soon :)

I really appreciate the advice!
NP! I had the same issue with my blueberry plant, flushed and the next day I saw green coming back to the leaves! I'll be following your thread, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind dank, each strain has it's own appetite, one strain might want hardly any nutes, and another might be much more hungry. Some strains you can almost grow with just water, others need full feeding.


Thanks for that advice--I didn't realize each strain has different nute needs.

I have them some RO water, and they definitely seemed happier a day later--there's still some yellow at the edges, but it's much less.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yellowing is a sghn of nitregon deff. but hard to say your prob. with a pic to look at..

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Im dealing w/nute burn also. The symptoms you9e explained are the same as mine.and i know i burned mine. Good no pic. Diagnosis fellas!+rep to ya guys!