Yellow tips

Old Cro

Active Member
Using sunshine number 4 mix top dressed week ago with ewc castings, bokashi two tablespoons of each. The plants are 5 weeks old auto gelato lighting photonteck 600 36 inch height with a lux of 12500. Is this the start of light burn only affecting this one plant. Watered two days ago upped water to 1.5 litres maybe to much appreciate any help. That one in the middle is my dwarf low rider just isnt in a hurry to finish.thumbnail_IMG_0191.jpgthumbnail_IMG_0190.jpgthumbnail_IMG_0189.jpg

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Using sunshine number 4 mix top dressed week ago with ewc castings, bokashi two tablespoons of each. The plants are 5 weeks old auto gelato lighting photonteck 600 36 inch height with a lux of 12500. Is this the start of light burn only affecting this one plant. Watered two days ago upped water to 1.5 litres maybe to much appreciate any help. That one in the middle is my dwarf low rider just isnt in a hurry to finish.View attachment 5047093View attachment 5047094View attachment 5047095
Jesus fucking Christ man. The size of the bud on the right is mental. You live near Chernobyl?


Well-Known Member
I had them out in mid to late summer ( days getting shorter)....brought them in when weather turned. I put them.with some vegging plants ( long hours) thinking the autos would not be stressed.......wrong....that's when tons of vegging started...real freaks.

Old Cro

Active Member
She was the runt of my last grow she popped surface with a stem and green dot on it it sat that way for a month and a half. She has never been outside has been in tent since June and seems in no hurry to finish.

Old Cro

Active Member
Suppose to be dwarf low rider auto they say max height 22 to 24 inches this one grew over three feet in veg.

Boreal Curing

Well-Known Member
If you keep an auto alive past harvest it'll reveg. The new veg *can be cloned but you end up with a small balcony plant. Kinda cute.

This LSD Auto was sprayed with sts as soon as flower started so I could get seeds from her. Offspring were all over the map. Just Terrible.
That's pollen on the leaves. Not PM.