Yellow Tips


Im growing in happy frog potting soil mixed w perlite and im feeding it the fox farm nutes every other watering its on grow big and big bloom right now
I too am I using Fox Farms nutes and my plant also started to get some yellow spotting so I diluted the dose of nutes more and my plant hasn't had any more spotting since.


Active Member
nute burn, your using to much nutrient, like roflicer says use half the dose you're using and see if it persists.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if this is a jack-move on your thread.

I have an easyryder with yellow tips in hydro, wondering how I should mix my solution now, I gave it water, but I want to keep high ppm on the nutes. I have no ph problems, n00b needs halp. Thanks in advance.

The second pic is the one I'm talking about. Slight yellow tips. What happened, was that I had mixed some solution according to technaflora recipe for success, veg cycle, and added flowering cycle to the same gallon. Kind of had a brain fart when I did it and just figured screw it, poured it in. It was just starting to flower anyway (auto) but now it is a monster and I want to just follow the recipe for regular flowering nutes. Think I have anything to worry about if I do that? It looks good to me.



Active Member
looks moer like a pH issue to me, nute burn comes inwards from the tips usually, i had a pH issue identical to that, check ur soils acidity level ASAP. looks about 4.5 - 5


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to add that pic, sorry about that. I fixed the ph about a week ago and it is still good 5.7, but you're exactly right. The ph was 4.2 and I adjusted it when I added water to dilute the solution and it worked ok. The pic from today, is the second one in the link. Can you look at that for me and tell me what you think? I'm pretty sure it is the same type of yellow tips I have seen in other threads that turned out to be nutrient burn, but I guess not sure enough that I can just go back to feeding it according to instructions, maybe it is just a residual effect of the low ph from last week?


Active Member
yeah that looks closer to nute burn. i've actually learnt this time around to look at my plants to see how hungry they are. plants that are really dark deep and vibrant green have no appetite for nutes, a hungry plant looks like a yellow wall thats had a piss poor green coat of paint put over it. play around with starving them and watch the colour change. i didn't bother with nutes till well into week 4 and that was how i got to grips with it. mistakes are awesome if u learn from them properly, still got a few yellow tips, not proclaiming myself as master of all, but practise makes perfect lol