yellow tops????


Active Member
my plantsw are about 4 months old thyve been nice and strong hearty growth they stared flowering a few weeks ago and all was goo but yesterday after looking at them i noticed all the leaves at the bud sites are turning sure i dnt have a nitro. deffeciancy.. is this normal..i will try and get some pictures up..plz help


Active Member
ya it kinda looks like thatbut it dosent have the stripes of green in the viens if thats what u wannacall it..ill upload pics in a lil..if that was the issue how do i fix it


Well-Known Member
Add Zinc. The affected leaves won't recover but new growth won't be affected, unless there is something else involved.


Active Member
the first three are three diff tips all same plant i have 4 diff plants and the one is the only one that has this


Well-Known Member
Probably an early Zinc problem. If you move quickly, most of those leaves will "green up". Liquid Ironite is great for these problems. If you get the granules, water them in, thoroughly. The nice thing about Ironite is it contains nearly everything but high amounts of NPK.


Active Member
now jus saying i did nuthin wut would happen..would they die..and how much ironite and how often


Active Member
i got ironite granuales it says 1/2 tspn per 12" plant thats about the dia. of a 5 gal bucket so should i use that or more or less???


Well-Known Member
Could also be lockout. How much nutes have you been giving them? If its lockout adding the nutes wont help since they are locked out. Check the PH of soil as well.


Active Member
how do i knw if its lockedout..i dnt give to many ntes but weve had a shit load of rain in a short time


Active Member
should i flush the soil there anyproducts to flush the much water should i use is it even nute lockup...i posted pictures


Well-Known Member
If you are flushing a five gallon pot, slowly pour ten gallons through it and let it drain. Wait a day, and then feed 1/2 nutes. Water is best for flushing. Your plant is three feet tall? That would make a tablespoon a week appropriate.


Active Member
that shit happened to me too. on a barney's farm pineapple chunk! i had no clue what is was, and my partner thought it wpineapple lvs.jpgas a disease so we ended up transplanting it away from our other plants. then we tried to cut off all the parts that had pineapple problem.jpgyellowed but the darker leaves yellowed too so we're just waiting for itto die and it looks like it is gonna :( sorry manwhats wrong.jpg


Active Member
wel i dont know bout them dying ima flush them with the hose for a lil while and resume 1/2 strength nutes like veggie said..ima try n save it