yellowing and rusting of lower fan leaves


Well-Known Member
now is this jsut cause im 4ish weeks in flowering or should that not be happening till about week 6? ph is fine neut burn mabey over watering mabey too any other ideas

another thing now i no its only 4 weeks and there probably not done but they look rip so these 2 pics of the buds i just need assurance that those arent even close to being done



Well-Known Member
Be patient man. Those are no where near harvest. The white hairs in your buds will turn orange then all the crystals will turn from clear, to milky, to amber, and that's when you chop. The pics look like a magnesium deficentcy, but it is hard to tell with the hps light on.


Well-Known Member
thats not a hps its a really ghetto big 67watt clf lol

if it is a mg diff... what house hold thing could i use to raise it?


Well-Known Member
I hear epsom salts work. I TSP per gallon. I do not use it though. I use cal-mag to get rid of it. You can get it at your local hydro shop or online.


Well-Known Member
the stuff im using is 8-14-9 african violet stuff....isays a drop ler liter i usually do 3 drops per half liter.....


Well-Known Member
ya cause its .008 .014 .009 r the numbers and the ph wat up wards of 8 so i used lemon juice to lower it


Well-Known Member
I see several deficiencies but also see signs of nute burn, which leads me to believe you have some minor lockout going on. if you havent flushed in a while now would be a good time to do so, 2-3 times your pot size. I also see signs of possibly overwater compounding the situation so if you just watered wait to flush. Pick up some hydrated lime or fine dolomite lime from homedepot and add to top layer of soil before flushing-will help buffer ur ph to around 7 and provide some extra mg and ca to the feed. I also recomend you pick up some higher quality nutes, as it is apparent there are no sufficient micro nutes very essential to mj. no miracle grow either. best bet is hydro shop or online.
when you feed after flush feed at 1/2 strentgh and keep doing so until u see her recover, than up to 3/4 than taper back down closer to harvest


Well-Known Member
Looks like a PH issue, causing lock out. Have you checked the PH of the soil? Run Off? How about those red stems?


Well-Known Member
ya they have purple stems....i concurred that was from the cold tho cause it gets below 60s at night and even durning the day it did...i put a heater in there now the temp is hoovering at 73ish....and my soil seems to be really compact idk if that had anything to do with it,,,,,the ph as of yesterday was 7.5 so i gave it some lemon juice ......and gonna water mabey tomorrow depending if im gonna do a flush or not i started flowering on march 20th....thats when i started not when i saw signs