Yellowing/droopy leaves. What should I do? *pics*


Active Member
I have had these plants in my closet for about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks from seed under a single 3,900 lumen CFL. Heat isn't an issue and I do not think its a lack of water as I've been feeding them as needed.

The only thing I can guess is that my pH might be a bit high, I am just using pH test strips to determine the levels but they are reading in the high 6's I think.

They are living in a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite with lime added (I didnt add it, it was pre-mixed into the bag) and then some pearlite.

I plan to move them into bigger pots later this week and move them into my bigger grow room under a 400w HPS.



Well-Known Member
6.8 ph is where you want to be. that one cfl isn't helping much, and seems like you should think about upping your nutes a little at a time and see if that helps them, but only if you think your ph is good.


Active Member
yea, the one with the yellowing is my oldest one, he is maybe 5 days older than the rest. And they;ve been looking great until the last 48hrs, now he has yellow leaves and the others are starting. I'm trying to figure out what it means. Nutes? Too small of containers? It can't be heat, its only 80 degrees in there if that.

I am heading to the store soon, what are some safe nutes? Also, whats the best method of transplanting?


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks like it is chronically wet. Only water when your plants tell you to.

You also need to transplant.

When I started growing my plants often looked like that, then I realized 1) they look like that because there getting root bound, and 2) they get overwatered.

You said that you've been feeding them regularly, at that stage of growth you really don't need to use ferts yet, and if you are use organic not synthetic. Synthetic ferts make your plant a target for nute burn (which can cause the yellowing and eventual brown crispyness).

Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for that info. I haven't added a single nute, yet, also my soil is pretty neutral as it doesn't have any nutes or anything else.

I can agree with the over-watering, maybe. I did water them daily up until 10 days ago then they got sprizted daily and not the last few days has just been as they needed it. Does the soil need to be dry before I add more water? The soil always seems to stay moist.

So you think its over-watering?


Active Member
I'm heading out to the store now to get some soil and some 3 gallon containers. I plan to pick up miracle grow moisture soil (Just read a thread, make sure not to add ANY nutes) and you think these plants are big enough for that kind of soil yet?

Also, ya think they can go under my 400w now?


Well-Known Member
they can go under your light. I put mine under my 400 MH light long before the size yours are now and they do just fine.