Yellowing during flowering


Active Member
THis seems to happen each time. I'm about 3-4 weeks into flowering and the leaves at the bottom begin to turn yellow. I've heard this is normal but I dont want it to creep up the plant. I have another plant that is mostly yellow leaves. Also, the stems seem to have a red/purple strip going through them.

I have been using a low concentration of schultz 10-15-10 since about 2 weeks into veg state. Should I back off, add more?

I'm thinking nitrogen and or phosphorous would help. Does anyone have any thoughts?
yellowing in flowering is natural but generally you should increase the nutes a bit, if you are using low doses then i guess this is the problem, red stems can sign of deficiencies or cold but aren't really a problem, if your leaves look pretty healthy just turning yellow sounds like they want more
yellowing in flowering is natural but generally you should increase the nutes a bit, if you are using low doses then i guess this is the problem, red stems can sign of deficiencies or cold but aren't really a problem, if your leaves look pretty healthy just turning yellow sounds like they want more

More of the same 10-15-10 or just N or just P.
not sure exactly how of each but i just use my flowering nutes and then when the plant first starts budding i'm gonna put pk 13-14 (which has p and k in 13 and 14 lol) thats so maybe someone else can help you out with your ratios, do you mix your own nutes?
yellowing is not normal. i've grown outdoor for 10 years and never seena yellow leaf. you need aN EASILY digestible source of nitrogen. organic stuff. i'll post a big write up soon for everyone to read.
No I dont mix my own. Like i said I use 10-15-10 at about half recommended level. I started to up that last night.

Do you have a source for easily digestible N?
yellowing is not normal. i've grown outdoor for 10 years and never seena yellow leaf. you need aN EASILY digestible source of nitrogen. organic stuff. i'll post a big write up soon for everyone to read.

would he not be alright just upping the nutes he has, thought you didn't really need as much nitrogen during flowering?
ya your plants need food its to early in flowering for them to be yellowing. red steams lower leaves turning yellow is a defiency.
Yellowing is normal if you are not using full strength nutes The plant absorbs collected nutrients from itself to produce flower. If you are not using full strength nutes just increase. It is a nitrogen defeciency if you will but get it fixed and your fine. You could stay with the same nutes but buy a supplement like dark energy. It is very strong use half strength along with your nutes and will improve. Are you using soil or hydro?
Excessive yellowing in flower is not normal. In flower only the largest fans should yellow, the rest should remain a healthy green right up to the end.

You are describing a common problem of indoor growers - yellowing plants after 10 days to 2 weeks of 12/12. Nutes seem not to be working.

I would guess you've been using tap water since the beginning and have never pH checked it with a digital meter?

If you resemble the above then you have nute lockout from a soil pH that's reached 7 or above from contiual watering with high pH water. There is no good solution to reverse this once you have gotten into mid flower, though there are flush products that claim to work. If you added lime or used a stabilized soil there is nothing you can do except finish the plants and start correctly next time. Your finished weed will be fine but not as good as it could be, especially the yield.

Next time pH adjust your water from the beginning. Set it to between 6 and 6.5 after adding any nutes. Use a pH adjusting agent made for plants like Earth Juice Natural Down. Get a cheap digital pH meter - UltraBasic is good for around $65. Veg in a good soil like Promix or FFOF.

If you do this you will feed less and have healthy green plants.
kay i know nothing about growin but im on here like every day trynna learn...

but when you say ya leaves are turning yellow do you mean like patches or (like mine) little tiny dots of yellow and if not wat does that mean

if anyone waants to help a newb