Yellowing / dying bottom leaves


New Member
hello, I am on my first grow and I am having some trouble. The bottom leaves of my plant is getting yellow and brown and some have started falling off I cannot figure out why. The top looks great other yhan maybe one or two little tiny discolored spots and it is growing like an inch a day, its just the bottom leaves. I started it as a seed in some seed starter and transplanted it to a 1 gallon in a mix of fox farms happy frog/ocean forest. When it started, I thought it mightbe a magnesium deficiency so I flushed ran some epsom salt and it did nothing. Then i realized it was root bound so about a week ago I transplanted it to a five gallon bucket with the same soil mix with added perlite and dolomite lime, however they are still getting worse. What could it be? I have another plant I treated exactly the same other than I started it a few weeks later and it looks excellent, although 1 or 2 leaves are starting to get yellow. They're under a 600 watt hps dimmed down to 75% in a 3x3 tent. The temp NEVER gets over 85 and very rarely gets that close and the humidity stays 45-55. I also cannot find any spider mites or other bugs. Runoff ph is 6-7ish. The yellowing does not start at the leaf tips either, it is mostly random. Any ideas? I've been using ro filtered water but I think the filters are pretty old. The plant is only 5 days into flowering and they yellowing started a few weeks ago. The watering schedule just depends on how dry the soil feels, but since they went in the 5 gallon buckets ive only had to water once in the past week and 3 days.


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New Member
I've had this problem last run. Are u able to lift the whole plant and soil out to check it's roots? Are they dieing? Or healthy white. I was drowning my plants. Yellowing started at bottom fan leaves and moved up. Too much water stuck at the bottom of its base. Now I water slowly. 5 secs, 3 sercs, 2 secs until theres little runoff.


Well-Known Member
those soil are kind of on the hot side, a little too much fert as shown in the somewhat dark green color green. also, 85F is pretty warm for indoors. can you get the temp down and give some more water? at least try to get the temp down. if you give more water, let the soil dry out again before watering next.
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New Member
I could try to pull them out, their in 5 gallon buckets though so I'm not sure. I have like 15 half inch holes for drainage too. And 85 is like absolute max on a stupidly hot day, it usually stays 75-80 and I have a humidifier that keeps it 45-55%. I only watered it once since I transplanted too, i gave it a full week to dry and I gave it another week this time too.It'll need water again today though. On a side note though i didnt add perlite to the soil in the one gallon so maybe thats houlding too much water? And I don't think the fertilizers the problem, I only fed once in one gallons till they were 12 inches and then I transplanted and I got a tiny tiny bit of tip burn but only very very slightly. It doesn't look like an overload of calcium does it? Like I said my filters are pretty old and we have alot of calcium in our water


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same issues outdoors. Just started the stretch I believe. Not hacking your thread just didn't want you to feel alone. ;) I was about to try salt also....


New Member
Still not good, alot of bottom leaves are gone. And i pull more dead ones off every day or few days. I've flushed it, switched to distilled water, got a different fan, fed it, ran epsom salt through it, let the soil dry longer, and I'm sure other things I've forgotten. The top looks inedible though and they are both budding up nice

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Still not good, alot of bottom leaves are gone. And i pull more dead ones off every day or few days. I've flushed it, switched to distilled water, got a different fan, fed it, ran epsom salt through it, let the soil dry longer, and I'm sure other things I've forgotten. The top looks inedible though and they are both budding up nice
Give them shot of Nitrogen EWC when ever a issue starts on bottom of plant an works its way up its macro issue ..
If issue starts on top part its micro issue plants are needing some N is all or possible inbalance of ph in soil then dolomite lime will be needed


New Member
I added lime when I transplanted from 1 gallon to 5 gallon and have been ph adjusting mu nutrients. I fed with fox farms nutrient trio which should cover all macro nutrients shouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
I Epsom salted mine last week and haven't been in to see the results yet but I'll let you know. I'm pretty sure that's what they were craving. Be careful about changing to much at once. Makes it hard to see where you went wrong later Down the road.


New Member
I gave them another dose of epsom salt and fed them a bit less than a week ago, they seem to be going well except my humidifier got shut off and the humidity dropped so the soil dried out too fast. I didn't catch it till too late and they wilted alot. they seem to be coming back fairly well though.


Well-Known Member
They're resilient. Mine look much better now sinc the epsom. I did find out my faucet pH was 7.8...ouch rookie mistake. switched to rain water. Hopefully the pH didn't lock it out and it was there the whole time or I may be headed toward an over dose. Glad to hear they're doing better.


New Member
Good to know yours is doing better. I think I'll be able to pull some off mine at least, it doesn't seem to be moving so fast it will catch up as long as I don't underwater it again or anything.