Yellowing Dying Leaves Near Bottom Plant


Well-Known Member
hey all im currently in my second week of flowering and have been noticing several fan leaves and other leaves yelling and dying toward the bottom of my plant. Im growing in 3 gallon Pots using FFOF soil (my plants are about 4ft tall)im also feading them with 2tsp bontanicare pure blend pro. Does anyone think i may be underfeeding them? here are some pictures. +REPS for anyone with a good answer.


are you checking your PH? .. When you use botanicare or any nutrient its going to drop your PH which is a huge important factor.

As a NOOB in this hobby, NO ONE told me that PH was critical. ITS SUPER important.

your PH should be at 5.5-6.0 ... and youre gonna want to check it before you water the plants.

this will work perfect. And will cost you about 17-20 bucks at your local hydroponic store.


Active Member
If it was a PH issue, it wouldn't only affect the lower leaves.
This is a common issue actually.
I think it's a feeding issue.
That sucks bro mine are 4-5 weeks into flowering and I'm having the same problem as you, I got the same setup but use FF nutes instead. buds on top looking pretty good but the leaves are yellowing from down going up more.

Well I think it's a nute deficiency, so going to give it a shot of veg nutes after I flush it. Then after that nothing but flower nutes. I don't like to add veg nutes after the 5th week cuz yuou can taste alot of chlorophyl in the plant.


Active Member
its common, and mostly its suposed to happen.

plants do it naturally when theyre flipped into flowering, and fertilizers for bloom have lower nitrogen content to help with bloom. its also natural at the last week or two of flowering.
ive used pure blend pro and its a good product but very easily can burn plants with too much.

i currently have over 20 plants in week 1 and 2 of flowering and mine have done the same thing but only because they arent getting much light at the bottoms of the plants. just cleaned up the ones that fell.