Yellowing + dying off tried everything

I have had grows in this exact setup that have yielded between 2 and 2.5lbs off 9 plants. Moved up to a different location and to the local legal maximum for providers in my area and this started happening resulting in 1oz per plant yields. That setup was very similar except there were tents, portable ac units, and a different water source. Changed nutrients added mg and or different cal/mgs. Changed soils. Put in an RO system and started the same process over. Got new strains from seed. Don't know what else to do.

Returned to the 8x12 shed I started in 8x8 of grow space. Two 1000w HPS in a closed system. Tank CO2 I regulate with a timer and test to keep around 800ppm.
Soil I am back to using is just promix hp(just peat moss and perlite) and whatever that pulverized rock is stabilizes ph that I cant remember the name of going with limestone. Changed the amounts of the stone. Used a home grown all-mix soil and ocean forest at different ratios.
Pots: Now using six 7 gallon yield pro (like smart pots) and three 5 gallon regular plastic pots. Have also used 10 and 15 gallon pots. The bigger the pot the longer it has taken for symptoms to start but the end result is the same.
Nutes: Back to using Biobizz, just the grow and bloom. 5ml/gal (1ml/L) grow through most of grow up to double that in early flower and have tried using 3 and for times that. Bloom starts at the same dose then always goes up to about 3ml/L into late flower. Have tried humbolt farms stuff, general organics, and earth juice at different ratios. Earth juice was complicated with catalyst and crap that was brewed for 24 hrs with air stones which had the best yields but still crap. May switch back to that but wanted to get back what worked as much as possible.
PH now goes in 7.5-7.8 and runoff is 6.2-6.5. Different setups have been adjusted and not were within +\- .5 of those readings.
Temps and humidity are and have always been in check 65-80f and 35-60%. Have dehumidifier, humidifier, a/c, and blower for lights is temp controlled which I vary according to season.
Strains: now have a mix of Pineapple Express, Kandy Kush, lemon skunk, and sleestack. All but pineapple are 1st gen clones. Pineapple has been around a while, have had a bubba kush, AK-47, and Snow White also. The bubba was the worst and Snow White best with varying results in between.

Here's what happens (just noticed I can't remember how to attach photos on my phone will figure it out soon). But between wk3 and wk5 of flower from the bottom up leaves turn yellow and die off until by harvest the only leaves left are in and around buds. Main stems have been very weak usually needing stakes to stay upright and largely purple all the way out to leave stems. Back in this location stems are much sturdier and have much less purple in them and symptoms seem to be setting in later. Now in week 4-5 of flower 3 of the plants all different strains, but the only ones in the smaller plastic pots have begun to yellow and drop leaves. All the others still look like champs one I had to tie down as it was too close to the light@ over 4' tall. At this point would literally consider performing sexual favors to get this fixed.
Think I got it that's one of the better ones that has been yellowing for about 3 days.
Looks like good bud growth so far.
A handful of dead leaves from the bottom next to leaves in the middle.
Same handful next to one that is still good.
Another of the good ones, what they all looked like less than a week ago. Will get more/better pics up when the lights go out.
same thing happening to my northern light blue auto in a small pot, all the leaves started to yellow at the bottom around week 3 of flowering and I never over feed ph just right at 5.8 for coco. Now im at week 5 of flower and just about all the leaves are gone


Well-Known Member
Your ph might be a little high for promixhp, I don't check runoff but I get best results watering with water pH to 6.5ish


Well-Known Member
The yellow one has the look of being very hungry but given all the stuff you've given her and not knowing the frequency, it is hard to say what you should do. Unclear if you have locked out nutrients or aren't feeding her enough. If you have a way to measure the ppm of you nutrient solution that would be more meaningful to those of us that don't use those products. Some plants like a lot of nutes, some really don't. If you don't have good notes on the feeding habits of this strain, you have to be willing to experiment a little. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't really have an answer having he exact same problem with my auto bubblelicious now about 3weeks into flower all the bottom leaves are turning yellow and red stem but the leaves next to the buds look good still. I have only fed at 1/4 strenght BC I didn't want to over fertilize. So of the six I have 3 got it bad 3 are just starting to turn so I just gave one of the bad ones a regular feeding at full reg feeding strenght with foxfarm bigbloom and going to see what that does. BC I tried giving them plain water for since I first saw it start and its only got worse on the taller of the plants and the shorter ones that looked good a few days ago now are starting to turn and from what I have read it could be anything but it seems like deficientcy of something so I'll let u know if it helps
Knew I was leaving something out. I water every other day sometimes every third day. Depending on weight, I pick up every plant when it starts to get light I'll water them more or less depending on how much they weigh. Usually every other day the 7 gal pots will get a gallon (3.875L) of water the smaller pots will get a little less.
I give nutes with every other watering, when this started happening I went to adding nutes with every watering and the only change was the green leaves in the buds got nute burn.
I will double check PPM's when I find the meter. It's been a little while but if I remember correctly when I was using RO starting at 7ppm with nutes and cal/mg it would be around 450ppm. Here I'm starting with well water at 180ppm and don't add cal/mg only a little Epsom salt once a week. The highest ppm I can remember seeing was low 600's.
Biobizz is a simple organic the grow is a 1-0-6 and is molasses derived from fermented beets.
The bloom is a 1-2-2 the ingredients says just sea kelp and the same molasses. This has been successful before with one of the same strains I have now (sleestack), which is the yellowed one in most of the pics. The earth juice I've tried is probably the most complete and complicated nutes I've ever seen organic or chemical.
I have adjusted ph before usually down to 6.8 and had worse results. Bublonic chronic it surprises me you've had success like that since N is absorbed at ph 7 or greater and as peat breaks down it has a ph of 4, so I would bet your runoff is around 5.5. The limestone I add stabilizes it as the stone has a ph of 7 and allows runoff to stay over 6. All the successful soil growers I know swear against using chemical ph adjusters.


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem and with help from some senior members here we realized that its that fucking peat moss. Its ph is so unstable its ridiculous. Get rid of the peat moss cause that is the problem almost 100%. Peat moss is very acidic and yeah you can fix the ph to get it where you want it with Dolomitic Lime but then 2 weeks later bam the ph drops again, then 2 weeks later its at 8. Its no good.


Well-Known Member
The few times I used a peat moss based soil mix on my mothers, it was a real PITA. I'm not sure why anyone uses peat over coco these days.
Tried using RO already will double check ph at next watering. Have used the same setup and had success and know several others who consistently have great grows with it. Definitely going to look into coco for next grow.
They actually look the same now (maybe even a touch better) as a when I took the pics which is not typical to what has happened in the past. When this happened before they would be dropping a handful of leaves everyday and more plants would show symptoms, all the other plants are still fine. I did give them extra nutes and Epsom last watering, hopefully it is simply a mg,N, or P def.
So next watering (tomorrow) the yellow ones I am thinking of giving another round of nutes at the same strength. The other plants almost appear N tox so I think those will still get plain water and Epsom.
Thanks for the help so far everyone.