yellowing fan leaves, how long before buds are affected


Hey all, first time poster and first time grower. I've had 4 indica dominate strain in flower now for 58 days in DWC under LEDs. One of the time girls, a Blackberry Fire clone from Dark Hear Nursery, started yellowing on me about two weeks ago. Started with a just a few fan leaves, but now I would say 60-70% are pretty yellowed. She is still drinking like a fish, but I have backed off the nutrients the past week in anticipation of harvest. I would normally do a res change yesterday, but decided to leave it assuming I'll be cutting it down soon and it's at what I would have dropped it to anyways, tested at 0.5 EC after topping off. Was hoping to push her to 9 weeks to get the buds as full as I can. The trichomes on the top buds look done, with about 90& milky, but the mid level buds are probably only 40% milky. No amber showing up yet on the buds, but lots on the sugar leaves. I know the yellowing is just her sucking the last of the nitrogen out of the leaves and is normal, but how far can you push it before it starts discoloring the buds. Are there any signs to look for that say cut it now before it's too late.

Of the other 3 strains, I'm think I'm good on determining them. My Ken's GDP just started to get a couple of amber trichomes in it this week on the top colas (still less and 5%), so I'm guessing it will be mid this week that I cut her. The other two are Purple Kush and Grape Ape, both of which I'm pretty sure I should be take to 9-10 weeks. These three all still look in control and going as expected.Too new to post any pics yet to threads.

dr greenthumbs

Well-Known Member
From what you're saying....I say cut it. A pic would help. Indica dominant plants have shorter flowering times most of the time. It's done when it's done. You have to grow a strain a few times to know exactly when to pick.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, first time poster and first time grower. I've had 4 indica dominate strain in flower now for 58 days in DWC under LEDs. One of the time girls, a Blackberry Fire clone from Dark Hear Nursery, started yellowing on me about two weeks ago. Started with a just a few fan leaves, but now I would say 60-70% are pretty yellowed. She is still drinking like a fish, but I have backed off the nutrients the past week in anticipation of harvest. I would normally do a res change yesterday, but decided to leave it assuming I'll be cutting it down soon and it's at what I would have dropped it to anyways, tested at 0.5 EC after topping off. Was hoping to push her to 9 weeks to get the buds as full as I can. The trichomes on the top buds look done, with about 90& milky, but the mid level buds are probably only 40% milky. No amber showing up yet on the buds, but lots on the sugar leaves. I know the yellowing is just her sucking the last of the nitrogen out of the leaves and is normal, but how far can you push it before it starts discoloring the buds. Are there any signs to look for that say cut it now before it's too late.

Of the other 3 strains, I'm think I'm good on determining them. My Ken's GDP just started to get a couple of amber trichomes in it this week on the top colas (still less and 5%), so I'm guessing it will be mid this week that I cut her. The other two are Purple Kush and Grape Ape, both of which I'm pretty sure I should be take to 9-10 weeks. These three all still look in control and going as expected.Too new to post any pics yet to threads.
How about a followup with pics?


Sorry, between cutting and trimming, work and a couple graduations to go to haven't been able to get back to this.

I think it all turned out OK. I cur most of the the plant in question on Tuesday, but left some lower branches till over the weekend. The yellowing did get to some of the bigger sugar leaves, but it was all cut out and thankfully didn't affect the trimmed buds. They look pretty good for my first grow I think, Iots of light purple to pinks in some of the buds and frosty as all heck. Most of it just got jarred tonight.

Still need 1 more like before I can post any pics.


Thanks MasterOf Arts.
Her is a pic of the girl before I started cutting

A pic of the top of one of the flowers with the yellow getting to the edges and tips of the sugar leaves

And what the buds ended up looking like before hanging
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