yellowing first shoot


Well-Known Member
well im in flowering at the moment so if it nitrogen your thinking(im thinking you thinking?) its in the bloom low and cal mag. btw information needed to help diagnose would be roots organic soil, pure blend pro bloom, calc mag plus and ph up. phed at 6.0(run off) as i type this


Well-Known Member
the plant starts to die the moment you switch to 12/12. a little yellowing early in flowering is normal and will progress to all yellow by the time to harvest. some people swear by the practice of adding a nitrogen only nute x-0-0 to their blooming nute to help the leaves stay green. not sure it helps
I have yet to try any 12/12 form seed, but I use clones. Any time you make a plant do something it wasnt intended to do it is bound to have little odd things go on. I wouldnt fret over one yellow leave. Sounds like you are feeding it planty. Check for root bound though. growing that fast the tep root wont have very far to go. I flower in a 3 gal.


Well-Known Member
Well it started flowering in a pint container. Once I found out it was female I put it into 12/12. The yellow is creepin up the plant on 3 leaves actuallyDont know what to do I just ran straight water through.

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Well it started flowering in a pint container. Once I found out it was female I put it into 12/12. The yellow is creepin up the plant on 3 leaves actuallyDont know what to do I just ran straight water through.
Yellowing of th eleaves is typical as the plant is changing from producing more green leaves (vegetation) to species survival (flowering) the leaves wil start to yellow as the plant moves in to bud production sacrificing the the lower leaves first in lou of bud production so it can make seeds (but we stop that dont we)


Well-Known Member
your fine. 3 partially yellow leaves in comparison to how many fine looking nice and green leaves?.. And they look like they were one of the first set of leaves on the plant... They're just old and your in 12/12. You worry to much!..