Yellowing In Leaves


Well-Known Member
i havent feed any nuts in the past 2 waters just distilled water but have yellow and fringy dry leaves i was thinking maybe nitrogen or magnesium deficiency i had my cfls pretty close to those leaves as well so couple be a heat burn I'm ruling nutrient dif out my room stays about 78-80 degrees and I'm not sure about the humidity mite be a little hot in the small room without good air flow let me know what u think:?: also it hasn't been growing upwards much just bushy but the growth has defiantly slowed


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
no ive never foliare feed?an medium is about 6.9-7.1
WOH!!!! There Doggy!! I have been growing in nothing but 100% Coco for almost 5 years now. You want to feed them at about 5.8 PH and have about 20-25% run off out the bottom to wash out the old built up salts. If you do not do this, you will get salt build up within your COCO and your PH will SPIKE. Your PH is way to high. I stongly suggest you give them a heavy flushing with no nuts at 5.0 PH. Then feed them at 5.0 with about 30% run off. Take the run off and mix it. Once it is mixed take a sample from the middle area, Never from the top or bottom. This will give you a good representitive sample. PH this sample. Once this gets down to about 5.8 PH then start adjusting the PH of your Nutrient mix at 5.8 when you feed them. Do not expect this to be corrected in a day. Sometimes it will take 7-10 days. Coco is kind of like a sponge. It has millions of little Micro holes in it. When you do not allow enough run off, these holes become clogged with salts and crap. Also never add Guanno, Manure or such things to your mix. If you wish to use these items then make a TEA. Making sure to filter out ALL of the SLUG!

Also, the reason I asked if you foliare feed was because you have a white spot the size of a pea. This is usually caused by foliare feeding, splashing Nuts on them, of misting while the light is on. Myself, I hardly every Mist my plants. I feel it is more trouble then it is worth. To many things can be caused when misting and foliare feeding.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i would have never guessed to keep my ph that low ive always thought perfect ph was 6.0-6.8 ill flush completely tomorrow im going to the complete line of earth juice products since i only have grow and bloom im also going to get the hygrozyme to help break down all those salts i have spilled water with nutrients in them onto the plants but this was week or 2 ago they just got like this but im working on it taking all i can get lol

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Coco looks like soil. Feels like soil. But it is not soil. Coco is more like Hydro, But it has most all of the benefits of soil. It is about impossible to over water. If you are groing in 100% Coco
Get the PH of your Coco down to about 5.8 and you will be golden.


Well-Known Member
alright thanks man im going to get my ph adjuster today thanks a ton man i never would have known my ph is skyyy high rite now if thats the perfect ph for my girls


Well-Known Member
i checked my ph and it was sky high added some x nutrients ph down adjuster and were working on lowering the ph ill keep updated with pics


Active Member
no ive never foliare feed?an medium is about 6.9-7.1
Your pH isn't fatal however I would bring it down a bit. 6.0 give or take about .3. Flushing right away might not be the right response. I would just wait till your next schedules water, and flush them. Either way would probably work just fine, but if you would rather be safe then sorry then overwatering is a hell of a lot worse then yellow leaves.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Your pH isn't fatal however I would bring it down a bit. 6.0 give or take about .3. Flushing right away might not be the right response. I would just wait till your next schedules water, and flush them. Either way would probably work just fine, but if you would rather be safe then sorry then overwatering is a hell of a lot worse then yellow leaves.
Alpha, you might have missed that he is growing in COCO. over water in COCO is about impossible. And screw foliare feeding. it causes more trouble then it is worth. You do not see rain falling from the sky with cow crap in it do you? :) Only time I even mist my plants is if I might have spaced off watering them for so long they are witling. And Even then I make sure the lights are out. But to each their own.


Active Member
Alpha, you might have missed that he is growing in COCO. over water in COCO is about impossible. And screw foliare feeding. it causes more trouble then it is worth. You do not see rain falling from the sky with cow crap in it do you? :) Only time I even mist my plants is if I might have spaced off watering them for so long they are witling. And Even then I make sure the lights are out.
After having a zinc def twice throughout my last grow foliar feeding with seaweed extract helped sort it out. For troubled leaf, foliar feed is the quickest way of getting needed minerals to the leaves. I'm 100% certain of that.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Seaweed Extract is good stuff. I usually use Liquid Karma. But Lately I have been useing Neptunes Organic Seaweed Plant food. They are both good stuff, but the Neptunes cost about 1/3 of the Karma. I never have tried Foliare feeding with Seaweed extract.


Well-Known Member
i think ill skip on the foliar feeding for now but ill defiantly keep looking into it rite now im trying to find a good ph meter