Yellowing leaf margins


Well-Known Member
Hey there.

Two of my seedlings are showing signs of stress (the white widow and white rhino). The leaf margin are yellowing and crisping up. I'm using the GH flora series; I did give them a full strength dose of fertilizer about a week ago..... I'm thinking a bit of nut burn is happening but am looking for some other opinions.

currently in coco
temp ranges from 73- 77
under 54w of high output T5's
Ph is unknown since I just moved and forgot my Ph meter at my old house. It's in the mail now so, I'll have it soon.

Thanks for the help!


Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Wow, full strength Flora Series would have been about 1100 ppm,, I am surprised they didn't just shrivel up and die. Now you have to start recovery time.


Well-Known Member
Hey there.

Two of my seedlings are showing signs of stress (the white widow and white rhino). The leaf margin are yellowing and crisping up. I'm using the GH flora series; I did give them a full strength dose of fertilizer about a week ago..... I'm thinking a bit of nut burn is happening but am looking for some other opinions.

currently in coco
temp ranges from 73- 77
under 54w of high output T5's
Ph is unknown since I just moved and forgot my Ph meter at my old house. It's in the mail now so, I'll have it soon.

Thanks for the help!
It is a nutrient toxicity mostly nitrogen. When it comes to seedlings especially if its from a breeder or strain you have not done before ease your way up when it comes to feeding. And just an fyi most white widow strains are hypersensitive with high doses of nutrients one of the few hybrids that act like that.


Well-Known Member
Well, I knew I shouldn't have gone full strength... so dumb. Like rusty said its time for recovery I guess I'll flush with some Ph adjusted water once my meter gets here. Hopefully that will be soon because I think I need to flush ASAP. Should I wait to flush or just flush with tap water right away...... my tap water comes out at 6.8.

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Depends whats in your tap water. If its high in PPM, then you will just continue to cause a problem.. Best to give them as small a PPM as possible and make sure the PH is correct. PH is everything, and without it being in the correct range, your only going to have issues. Your PH might be 6.8 out of the tap, but what is it when it sits for a while?


Well-Known Member
coco like lower pH (I don't use it). Burnt from nutes. Should survive a flush . Let it dry some after.