Yellowing leave tips and brown spots...please help (PICS included)


  • 400 watt MH/HPS magnetic ballast
  • 2- 125 Watt CFL Bulbs with batwing reflectors
  • 4" Sunleaves windtunnel exhaust inline fan 200CFM
  • carbon filter
  • 6" circular fan for circulation
  • closet size 19" x 36" x 62" with mylar covering walls
  • red keg cups (used for first week of grow)
  • red Folgers large plastic coffee containers with drainage holes drilled
  • cheap 4 in 1 tester (tests PH, moisture, fertility and light level)
  • 10 Nirvana ice seeds
  • Blueberry bag seed
Germinated seeds in 3 days, put in keg cups filled with Fox Farms Happy frog soil and placed under 2- 125 Watt CFL's for 2 weeks on 18-6 cycle. Once plants started to outgrow keg cups, we then transplanted them into red Folgers containers and put them under 400 Watt MH/HPS and continued to water plants every few days with tap water that was left out for 24 hours prior to use. At 3 weeks plants were 10" tall and bushy. We added 1/4 dose of Terra Veg by Canna, 3 days later watered with just water. Then 3 days after that watered with 1/2 dose of Terra Veg. Plants began to turn yellow at leaf tips of new growth. I saw this so I decided to let plants dry out for 3 days, then I flushed them with plain water until it poured out of the bottom of container. At this point had switched to 12-12 with HPS bulb because plants were already 16" tall. 2 days have passed, plants are yellowing at tips of fan leaves and are showing brown spots between the veins of the leaf sections. Throughout the entire grow the room temperature during light cycle was between 74 and 77 degrees with a relative humidity between 16-25%. When the light cycle is off temperatures remain between 64 and 68 degrees with a relative humidity hovering between 45-65%. ventailation system vents cold air in through hole in floor, draws air through carbon filter across light through hood and exhausts out of insulated ducting through top of room. Any advice would be greatly apprecciated. My babies are dying.



Well-Known Member
yea they wont get any bigger then that..... their pot bound for sure, also check the ph on ur soil not your water then ajust your water to counter your soil ph, for soil i would leave ph around 6.2


Well-Known Member
Just from reading your post it seems you had this problem after giveing them those doses of the teraveg. Maybe too much too soon? Also I dont think the meter you are using is very accurate if its the one Im thinking about.

Other then that I dont think Ill be of much more help as I dont have very much expierence growing in dirt. I always had issues with dirt, would have weird problems just like what you are showing and many different other probs. I switched to hydro cause it just seems so much easier for me to know exactly what was going on.

Good luck man and I hope you can spve your prob.


Im using happy frog soil by fox farm I dont know the exact size of the pots but i'd say they are around a 1.5 - 2.0 gallons. I dont think they are root bound because i pulled out one male already and the roots had only filled half of the container space. the plants are about 16" from lip of container to the canopy.


i just dont understand how they could be root bound. I pulled a male out of the pot and there was more than half of the bucket space left for the roots to fill the bucket.


Active Member
i dont think its rootbound. ive left perennials in their nursery containers for entire seasons (outdoor) and there just starting to get a bad root bind in like september. i know its not mj but unless it has some insane root growth i just don't see it. also jbuds what part of MA? western or inside 495?