Yellowing Leaves - 3wks in


Well-Known Member
Danksta's pics tell me amendeld K use and colder night temps. ( K ain't bad )
I suspect some added Mg (at amounts higher then 5ml per feed) and S ....
He push's his P a bit to much,,,,but not as bad as most try to.b
He also runs longer then the seed breeders report says (8 weeks = 9-10 weeks).

Can you tell me why I said that?

Because the plants in those pictures are fried from obvious excess P?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is worse then 2 on that.....1 shows way to much P use. Correct on one question!

Care to take a stab at the others?

My idea of asking this way is to give a learning opp. to put a picture to an answer for further knowledge down the road.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The way the plant is turning purple tells me that he has supplemented the K, also that night temps are swinging by around 15F. The yellowing , the P. Chances are that the P&K supplement are a high one. Not totally a problem but, I would not have added so much P. The plants potential would have been better served by less. The high K is not so much and issue. Amended K for expressing color in the plant can be done and not hurt the plant. The K use here is not bad.
The trich structure hints that a Mg and S supplement may have been used. The use of something like a "Sweet" will increase trich production.
The overall look of the bud structure (swollen calyx's and the totally brown pistils) say this is running to a proper finish time (longer then breeders report).

They look good! Personally, I would have used a bit less P but, that's all really.

Well done.