***<><> yellowing leaves, curling upward, brown spots, HELP<><>***


Well-Known Member
Just like the thread title states, I have yellowing of older, larger fan leaves with upward curling leading up to browning/death and brown spots.

Water: tap, Ph adjusted 6.3-6.8
Nutes: Fox Farms Tiger Bloom, 15-20% strength every 2-3 waterings
Growth state: week 4 of flowering tomorrow, yellowing began 5-6 days ago
Soil: FFOF
Light: 400 watt HPS + 350+ watts CFL
Temp: 78-83 w lights on

I am suspecting a Mag issue; I watered with epsom salts @ 2 tsp/gallon + 20% strength tiger bloom a few days ago, doesnt seemed to have stopped but perhaps slowed yellowing.


Do you think this is a mag issue?
If so, how many times should I treat with Epsoms to rid the problem?
What else could this be??
Should I add nutes to the Epsom water mix?
Should I try Cal-Mag and if so at what strength??




Well-Known Member
only the N that is in the tiger bloom. I have heard that supplementing with N this deep into bloom is a BAD idea, no? plus, I have seen N def, this doesnt look like it. this is my 4th grow


Well-Known Member
only the N that is in the tiger bloom. I have heard that supplementing with N this deep into bloom is a BAD idea, no? plus, I have seen N def, this doesnt look like it. this is my 4th grow
No, its alot better to keep your plants biggest and main source of energy the fan leaves around so they can keep making as much energy for the bud as possible. no n in flower is an old wives tale, i give at least 3 veg nute feedings. not saying its an n def just throwing that out there .how strong were you giving the veg nutes at? were you giving them 15%-20% in veg as well or did you up the nutes till you got to full strength as time went by? the 15%-20% is kind of weak, its good to start small and work your way up. For a plants that size though i think your nute strength is a little weak.


New Member
Im not sure sure you have to look compare some pics and see for you self but that looks kinda like a potash def that i ran into a few year back it turned out my root were to cold put the plant up off thr ground and went away ..some where on google image you can find pic of deffecenys id check into it


Well-Known Member
No, its alot better to keep your plants biggest and main source of energy the fan leaves around so they can keep making as much energy for the bud as possible. no n in flower is an old wives tale, i give at least 3 veg nute feedings. not saying its an n def just throwing that out there .how strong were you giving the veg nutes at? were you giving them 15%-20% in veg as well or did you up the nutes till you got to full strength as time went by? the 15%-20% is kind of weak, its good to start small and work your way up. For a plants that size though i think your nute strength is a little weak.
So do you think bumping up the nutes would help? Tiger bloom appears to be a complete fertilizer, Im just gun shy since I burned plants before w it... plus, its not an organic fert... and yes, I only got to MAYBE 35% nutes in veg. they vegg'd for almost 2 months...


Well-Known Member
Im not sure sure you have to look compare some pics and see for you self but that looks kinda like a potash def that i ran into a few year back it turned out my root were to cold put the plant up off thr ground and went away ..some where on google image you can find pic of deffecenys id check into it
IDK man, the room is pretty warm, generally 80+ degrees ambient temp. I'd love to see your pics though for comparison!


Well-Known Member
So do you think bumping up the nutes would help? Tiger bloom appears to be a complete fertilizer, Im just gun shy since I burned plants before w it... plus, its not an organic fert... and yes, I only got to MAYBE 35% nutes in veg. they vegg'd for almost 2 months...
Yes, i think it would. With giving it only that amount of nutrients i would be surprised if it wasnt the problem.


Active Member
The rest of your plant(s) look very healthy, very lush green leaves, few purple petioles, I'd say you look like your good on the nutes, I've used FF nutes and they are very complete, do you use any other supplements? Also, how many weeks into flowering are you? It looks like your around 6 weeks or so, yellowing off is normal in the last few weeks and is something you want to see, what alarms me is the curling leaf tips, I noticed even on the lush healthy leaves the tips were yellowish brown, perhaps a hot feed is what is causing this. Personally, I would flush with ph'd water and big bloom, if the yellowing and curling stops, it was probably just too many salt build ups in the soil. I've done this too, always best to flush first as opposed to adding more nutrients, which could compound the problem, keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
thanks, XO, I think that is a well reasoned opinion. Im lined up to flush tonight with 50% FF Tiger Bloom. I am only 4 weeks to th eday into bloom. I also was concerned with the curling leaves as an indication of just simple nute def. No other supplements; should I consider something like mollasses?


Well-Known Member
Thats kind of a misunderstood thing. Most peoples leaves die way premature because people are scared to give nitrogen in flower. your only on week 4, your leaves should not be dying this early. you want to keep them around as long as possible like i said before. Thats why i give veg nutes sometimes during flower, i want my leaves as healthy and making the maximum amount of energy possible to put into the buds.


Well-Known Member
Now Im getting a reddish-purple tint to some of the fan leaves... Is this starting to look lke a Molybdenum def to anyone? I flushed last night w ph'd water w 50% tiger bloom. they dont look much worse, but maybe still yellowing a bit... Should I try a foliar feed at 4+ weeks in bloom?
