yellowing leaves day 40 flower


Well-Known Member
This plant is master kush day 40 into flower.. I gave it a good amount of food last week and it seemed to have been burnt.. (Bottom leaves first).. I ripped off the leaves that were badly burnt and flushed it with water both yesterday and today.. it still seems to be traveling up the plant.. heres some pics.. any ideas on what I could do or what the exact cause may be would be greatly appreciated.. the first pic shows a leave which is slightly yellowing/burnt.. however the leaves i pulled off before that were much worse.. unfortunatley i threw them out and have no pics.. check the first 2 pics then the health of the rest of the plant



Well-Known Member
looks like it could be over feeding too much nutes, better pictures would help, also I dig your tent, did you built it yourself?


Well-Known Member
So cut back on the nutes, but during flowering leaves turn yellow as a result of nitrogen deficiency because all of it goes into bud production. As long as it isn't the whole plant at once, and it is just slowly, you're fine.


Active Member
Use lower dosages of nutrients.As long as the buds are ok everything is fine. jus flush with water for a couple days.