Yellowing leaves help?


Also you are one week away from running out of nutrients, according to their CLAIM, so it could be the soil is bad PH and running out of nutrients!

"Feeds plants for up to 6 weeks. Verve's award winning multi purpose compost has all the ingredients to let your flowers, seeds and cuttings feast, flourish and grow - for up to 6 weeks "


Active Member
Remember every bag you buy will have a different pH so its up to you add buffering like compost/ewc etc.Let the soil cook a little.

If your salt feeding then you may have to do a hard correction to the pH.It can be 4-5 right out of the bag.
So I’ve just put some of the soil in cup of 8.1 ph water and stirred it round and it’s dropped to 6.6! The acidy peat must be the problem I won’t be using that again. I know lime can raise the soil ph but that takes ages to take affect I think. Would it juts work if I watered at 8.1 ph, then technically it shoukd drop to the desired ph surely and I should be good?


Active Member
In my own growing, I consider peat in the potting mix the kiss of death! :mrgreen: Plenty of growers here use it, so obviously my judgement is biased. Here's an image from page 14 of Argus Control's Nutrient Dosing Handbook.

View attachment 5028506

It seemed relevant, since your link makes the assertion that Verve Multi-purpose Compost is 58% peat. Were I trying to grow in it, I definitely want to know the potting mix's pH.
So I’ve just put some of the soil in cup of 8.1 ph water and stirred it round and it’s dropped to 6.6! The acidy peat must be the problem I won’t be using that again. I know lime can raise the soil ph but that takes ages to take affect I think. Would it juts work if I watered at 8.1 ph, then technically it shoukd drop to the desired ph surely and I should be good? You’ve possibly juts saved my grow thank you


Well-Known Member
So I’ve just put some of the soil in cup of 8.1 ph water and stirred it round and it’s dropped to 6.6! The acidy peat must be the problem I won’t be using that again. I know lime can raise the soil ph but that takes ages to take affect I think. Would it juts work if I watered at 8.1 ph, then technically it shoukd drop to the desired ph surely and I should be good?
All peat based soils will probably have a low ph ,it costs more to add lime.So its upto you what you do with it.
Its not uncommon to have to bump it up,try it and you'll know then.Its how we learn.


Active Member
All peat based soils will probably have a low ph ,it costs more to add lime.So its upto you what you do with it.
Its not uncommon to have to bump it up,try it and you'll know then.Its how we learn.
It’s just so confusing man as I used the same soil and my first run and it turned out spectacular! Had no problems whatsoever. Unless it was the same brand but peat free and I didn’t realise or something, or maybe my ph pen was out. But yea I’ve flushed the girls with high ph water hopefully it sorts it


Well-Known Member
It’s just so confusing man as I used the same soil and my first run and it turned out spectacular! Had no problems whatsoever. Unless it was the same brand but peat free and I didn’t realise or something, or maybe my ph pen was out. But yea I’ve flushed the girls with high ph water hopefully it sorts it
Your salt feeding ?


Well-Known Member
Certainly looks like a N and K deficiency. Someone above mentioned PH and that could be a problem which would constrict the uptake.

The pots do look small but hard to tell without a full photo, however they stalks don't look big enough to have a large rootball so you are probably good for now.