yellowing leaves. overwatering?


Well-Known Member
without pics an more info its hard to say but im thinking lack of nitrogen... leaves turn yellow when they use all the nitrogen in the plant... how old is it??? what stage???


Well-Known Member
like resinraider says, you need pics and also yellowing is prob sign of a deficiancy, depends on how the yellowing is showing on the plant but it wont be overwatering. Overwatering will show by the plant sagging, looking very droopy, this is the same for underwatering and also heat stress can show this way.


Well-Known Member
could be due to shock, if it was just transplanted. kind of looks like a nut prob though.


Well-Known Member
ur kidding rite??? ur talkin bout those leaves??? sry but if i woulda seen the pics i prob not woulda answered.. i thought ur plant was dieing here... those leaves r so small and the oldest of the bunch.... they were ur first leaves... think bout it, those lil leaves pretty much gave ur plant the energy to grow what u have now so obviously they r milked outta energy and nutes... sry i know we all start sumwhere


no no no..the leaves under them are the first leaves..they freaked me out the first time ill's the second set of leaves..they are turning yellow..(i dont nute at it really needed?) i thought those weren't supposed such a noob..i apologize..they are dying on another of my babies too


Well-Known Member
It's not the flowering stage yet. It's called the Veg stage where the plants get all there chutes and what not. Flowering is down the road. As far as your plants make sure your fan isn't blowing right on it, as well as your lights shining directly on it. if it's in a small isolated (closed off) area then make sure it gets plenty ventilation.


its in 12/12 light(very early i know) i dont have a fan..lights are supposed to shine on the plant? otherwise they would shine on a mirror? i dont understand that part..i blow on it and give it co2 alot..well i blow on them like every 20 minutes as long as im home..and the c02 i think is going to come every 2 weeks from now on


Well-Known Member
what's the soil mix? that and the water ph if you've measured it, you do seem to be having some trouble


havent measured ph yet...i use boiled water :/ ..i let the water sit for a couple days, then i use it..miracle grow soil..


Well-Known Member
havent measured ph yet...i use boiled water :/ ..i let the water sit for a couple days, then i use it..miracle grow soil..
i thought you might be using MG soil, is it MG potting soil?
MG Potting has that quirk if you water heavily the result is burn - it comes from the time release fertilizer which is released in proportion to the amount of water you give it


Well-Known Member
from what i see it doesn't look too bad, MG doesn't suck balls completely
it's just not a good soil for a 1st grow, though some do great with it
you do have to track the water pretty carefully, can't tell you exactly how much water, i switched too organic after frying my plant in MG


well i just bought some weird MG that supposedly has like some 30% absorbtion rate or some says it helps incredibly with over and under that'll help in the future..hopefully..only time will tell..thanks for the info :)


Well-Known Member
that sounds like MG Moisture Control - if so that is the stuff that burned my 1st plant to death - again many have used it with good results, but fundamentally same issue, water too much, and burn