Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
thats N deficiency; lower leaves start yellowing, it climbs up the plants. feed with any fertilizer, what are you going to use?

its definitely not nute burn, that starts at the new growth tips and it turns yellow, and becomes very brittle. i think your soil will do fine forget about the ph for now cuz this is not a ph issue or else it would show many other deficiencies also.
You might be correct here. I have never had a plant in this kind of condition. But the new growth sure seems to be
yellowing on the ends and such. Look at the tips of the very top left leafs. They look yellow and crispy to me.
To add to the list of possible causes, heat might really be an issue after all. I think the temperatures here have risen and even with the fan it's causing problems for my plant. Yesterday I put my finger 2-3 inches into the soil to check if it was dry and needed watering. Along with being bone dry the soil was warm to the touch, like a warm plate that you just put your dinner on.. even those 3 inches deep, where all the roots are.

The plant's taken a turn for the worse. The yellowing actually has stopped spreading but the plant is drooping and drying up, I'm almost certain it's the heat that's the problem, but I have absolutely no way of lowering the temperatures any more, since I have nowhere to stick another fan, and I can't put the plant in a bigger space since this is a stealth grow and it's the only place I can keep it. My only other option is to move the plant outdoors, which I think is what I'll have to do.. unfortunately with its size I'd be lucky to see a gram or two by the end of flowering, if it even survives.

Here's a picture from last night:
dude the same thing just started happening to my plant...after talking to a few people and looking through the forum I decided to pull them out by their rockwell and leach it with a bunch of water....then i re-planted into new foxfarm soil with bat guano (even though i just re-planted 2 weeks ago)...then put it under indirect light. i think i over fertilized and yea it sucks but at least it will be a learning experience for me and everyone else...i'll let you know how it goes


Active Member
I would suggest flushing your medium with 3 times the amount it is in gallons, then adjust your ph to 6.2-6.5. keep good air circulation coming under the leaves maybe open a window once in a while to let fresh co2 come in and replenish the room. make sure it's getting decent light but not to close that it gets hot. Goodluck,Oregon the Chronic StATE. I'm a hydro grower just thought I could help.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Jesus green, have you been folier feeding that plant? The leafs look like they are caked in salt. I also think you should shoot that plant and take it out of it's misery.

Here is a photo of healthy plants under just CFL's. Yes it is possible to grow dank buds with just cfls. But i switch to a 600 HPS in flower. These will be switched tomorrow.
Veg 8-23 003.jpg


Active Member
a small plant like that should find enough nutes in a pot of soil that big. I reckin the soil is shite may be too rich for the plant, ive had health clones fucked within days due to too much nute innthe soil, i have 2 now that are struggling and showing signs of burn at the tips, in John Innes no 3, it is too rich for them.


Active Member
something that small is pointless to to save, hell you couldve started a new plant in the same amount of you invested in that thing