Yellowing leaves with clones while using Clonex


Hi all,

I'm looking to get some guidance on making my clone trays have a more successful rooting rate than they are currently. Currently I get close to 90% success rate, but sometimes certain clones take a bit longer than others to be "ready" due to yellowing of leaves. In my 20 gallon res, I use 220mL of Clonex liquid and add 100mL H2O2 every few days. To make my cuttings, I use dip the clones in clonex gel after cutting them and place them in rockwool cubes. I do Ebb and Flo, and get roots in about 7 days, but again, due to the yellowing of the leaves I don't feel them as ready. I would like to achieve the 7 day rooting time as many people on RIU have.

I understand some people might say that the yellowing is a natural process to gather roots, which I agree, but I also have cuttings which never get yellow, or get slightly yellow, and root just fine. To me this sounds like a nitrogen deficiency in certain strains I have.

I just added an extra 100mL of Clonex solution to the res to see if that might help with the N deficiency, since it has 1% Nitrogen and not much else in it. I figure since I was on the lower side of measuring out initially, bumping this up a bit seemed like the next logical step.

Do any of you have suggestions on how I can prevent yellowing? I tried using SuperThrive on an earlier tray, which has Microrhyzea in it, but I believe I might have used too much (going with the base measurements on the box), as it burned the crap out of all my cuttings one cycle. They all bounced back, but it took an extra week.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
i used to have same question as u..
i still hv no solid answer but IMHO..
The strains hv alot to do with siccess rates of clones. Also.. location in cloner/res is a factor. cuttings directly over the areas with most bubbles are consistently better in rooting faster.. thus less yellowing.
IMO the strains is big factor.. but if its all same mother than maybe its how ur making the cuts?
not positive but im just glad these days that im near 90% lol.. compared to 0% in the okd days


I used non-RO water for the first time ever the first 3 days and I think it may have had an initial negative effect on them. After changing out the res the yellowing stopped.

Looks like I will always stick to RO water.

Thanks for the feedback!