yellowing, necrosis, brown spots


Hello all, first time grower. I have three super lemon haze and a warlock that have been vegging for two months. The tops are in great shape, all nodes look very healthy. Some of the fan leaves and much of the bottoms are getting spotty, yellow and burning up. This leads me to believe it is a mobile nute that they might be lacking, but I really am green to all of this (pun intended) so I'm not confident in my knowledge base. I am using Humboldt's oneness, prozyme, sea mag, sea cal and myco madness. I grow in five gallon buckets with a soiless promix and a 600w MH.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Are you checking ph ??
Do you have any stabilizers in your soil ?
PH fluctuation might be the culprit.

Just a thought based on your description of the problem.


I balance my nutrient solution @ 6.5. I wondered if I may be over-nuting...what are ph stabilizers? I can upload pictures in a few hours, thanks for the help!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
YO Ms19 .... look at this link HERE this will help you as you will be able to compare.
Also have a look at this link HERE
But from what I see from your pictures (use direct link option for pics to show up)
you got nothing to worry about. Perhaps a slight nitrogen lock out ... perhaps your light is not reaching the bottom of the plants.

Good job thus far !



Alright I'm trying to figure this shite out on my phone, are the pictures available? There are six total; you can see the yellowing (esp. On the indica) rolling up from the bottoms with a few closeups of the spots on the larger fan leaves and some curling necrosis. Sorry if this is a pain.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
First off ... Cell Phone Pictures. If it has GPS ShiesBen.. and its not turned OFF... Apparently EFFIX data is encoded in the pic, and the location where the pic was taken can be traced by anyone. Sherrifs, DEA, plant raiders, or even anti MJ superchurch RINO's who could conceivably place special yard signs and protest Prop 8 style... the later being unlikely... but you dont have to be a psychic to predict that one happening soon..

The bottom up yellowing looks like textbook Nitrogen deficiency. 6.5 isnt terrible PH ... so deficiency due to lockout isnt terribly likely.

Necrosis & Browning.... may be a P, or Iron/cal/mag deficiency. Solution for cal/mag/iron defficiency is the same. Micro-nutrient formulaes have all 3, and a dozen others. OR there may be bugs afoot as well. I am kind of a newb grower... so 2nd opinions might be better than my guess.

I prefer Humic acid as a micronute additive. Humboldt "Myco Madness" is a decent all around off the shelf product containing mycoryzia, beneficial bacterium, humic acid, and micro-nutes.


D bone thanks for the input, however I am the rare legal grower and everything in these photos is up to par...good lookin out though!
Ill definitely look into the P and c/mg/fe deficiencies as well as nitrogen, which seems to be the consensus so far. I've scoped high and low for bugs, haven't run across any but I fuckin pray I'm not missing anyhing in that area.

On a side note, medicinally utilized marijuana is the superfruit of prescription drugs. Anyone who is suffering, or close to someone that is suffering from a serious illness can attest that laboratory-constructed pills are the catalyst for harsh side effects inevitably manifesting into life-threatening problems all on their own. Marijuana can potentially eliminate a literal handful of pills from a patient's diet while failing to exacerbate the effects of other medications. If any superchurch martyr would like to discuss the divinity of this earthly, natural wonder be happy to shove the fat end of their picket sign straight up their rectum and toss them a sample for good measure :)

This is a great forum!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Remember ... trolls are everywhere ... out to steel your girls.
Your pictures are not showing on the board .... as you are cutting and pasting the wrong code.
(U need to use the direct option code from photobucket ... for these to show up in text)
But ya ... take care of your security first.



Words of wisdom, puff. Sorry about the photo hassle, I'm new here and, apparently, semi-retarded.