yellowing of leaves !?!?!?


Active Member
hey i was just wondering in the picture i posted ... is the yellowing the cause of to much fertilization ? or too much water or too less fertilization with N, P, etc elements? please clear the air for me lol



Well-Known Member
Kinda Fuzzy but it could be one of many things. The first four that come to mind are overwatering, underwatering, too many nutrients, or mites.
I could be wrong on all accounts. Post a bit more info.

Good luck


Active Member
im 100 % sure theres no mites, it was getting twice per week watering with nutrients each time at almost 100% there was no yellowing. then later changed to watering with nutrients almost everyother day but with 50% concentration. Then changed to every 2 day with plain water and including twice per week nutrient feed.... not sure if this info helps ... and the olny reason it changed to watering almost every other day was cause it was so hot the soil gets dried up so quick so wasnt sure if it was getting enough water .... but not sure now either .... lol


Active Member
also it started with the pair of baby leaves that come from germintation ... those went yellow first ... then the middle leaves started ... and theres not spots of it its like spreading kinda ... like in the pics posted the BRIGHT colour at the edges different from the main leaf colour is the yellowing ... soo not sure ... wat to do


Well-Known Member
Okay. the only other thing that comes to mind is they may be root bound. I would check and see if they are. If they are not then I would probably just switch to straight PH balanced water for a little bit and see if that helps. Depending on the age of the plants you may have given them nutrients too early. But each strain, and each grow is different so its pretty tough sometimes to tell whats causing the yellowing.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Your watering schedule seems a bit high to me. Stretch the dry period out a bit and your nutes may be a lil premature as it looks like your plants are pretty young yet.


Active Member
Thanks guys for the help ... but from donig some research i just decided to repot the plants and A++ it was root bound. All them boosted in height within a week after repoting and the yellowed leaves just fell off and new green veg grew on the top. And i think it was the soul i used it wasnt delivering the nutes and water to it so that also caused it i think. But now they are looknig good and going wide.