Yellowing of the lower leaves on my new clones


Well-Known Member
they have been in there for a few days and the lower leaves are dying is this normal? this is my first time cloning so any help would help. They had 7 sets of leaves when i cut them i use anti fungal and rooting powder and they're in jiffy pots. One more thing is there are little black stops on the tops of the leaves any one ever have these problems?

mr west

Well-Known Member
yes its fairly normal, the plant aint got no roots to take up nutes it needs so it robs them outa the lower leafs

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah wait till they are brown and shriveled the gently snip em off and remove em, i find nail scissors best for this. U should see roots coming out the jiffy or rock wool slab by that time. How have u done the clones? I do mine in jiffy peat pellets.


Well-Known Member
yeah wait till they are brown and shriveled the gently snip em off and remove em, i find nail scissors best for this. U should see roots coming out the jiffy or rock wool slab by that time. How have u done the clones? I do mine in jiffy peat pellets.
Yeah same jiffy pots but i wanna go to woolrock since i wanna start a hydro setup


Well-Known Member
yeah wait till they are brown and shriveled the gently snip em off and remove em, i find nail scissors best for this. U should see roots coming out the jiffy or rock wool slab by that time. How have u done the clones? I do mine in jiffy peat pellets.
So since its not pulling nutes up thro roots would foliar feeding help?:?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes thats normal. don't feed them anything tell they have established a good root system. and thats ushaly a wek to 2 weeks after they have rooted, then start with 1/4 to 1/2 strength and work up to full strength on the nutes.


it helps a little it depends on the plant also i have great white shark takes for ever to root then my sweet island skunk has heardy roots in like 5 days so the shark dosent look o healthy by the time she roots but the sweets barley turn yellow and i made a 17 spot clone machine for like 50 bucks 3 gal bucket w/top(had it) 1 7/8 hole saw(had it) 2 inch net pots(cut bottom off so roots dont get tangled) and 2 inch neoprene collars(pots and collars were like15) 10 ez clone sprayers(1.50 each) 1/2 cpvc(cheap and 1 8'stick can make like 10 of these and it fit my pump better) a170gph magdrive (free buddy has pond store) way better than rock wool i grow soil though