Yellowing on middle leaves, new growth greener (flower day 20)


Well-Known Member

My plants are suffering from an unknown problem! Looking around in this forum I suspect it might be zinc deficiency, but I can't be sure. Here is the relevant information, hopefully one of you lurking gurus can help me figure out whats going on wrong here! :neutral:

Strain: Gods Gift
Medium: Botanicare Coco / Perlite inside coco pots, drain to waste, medium fed with mister nozzles every 10 minutes.
Nutrient solution: Dyna Gro Foilage Pro (3-1-2), RO water
Other additives: Great White beneficial bacteria
PPM: 700
PH: 5.8
Temp ranges: 74-85F
RH: 0% - 15%
Lighting: 1kw HPS
Days: Day 20 Flowering

One picture is of plants 20 days into flowering, the other is of the same strain in veg, showing the same symptoms. Does anybody have a clue what might be causing the problem? From my understanding Dyna Gro Foilage Pro is a complete nutrient solution, so I don't understand what might be causing the deficiencies. The only possibility I can think is that because the PH is 5.8, zinc is being locked out?

Thanks in advance everyone.

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Definitely not zinc. I recommend supplementing with cal-mag. Botanicare's is good. cn

I thought it might be calcium deficiency but I did not observe rust spots. I didn't see the green veins with yellowing leaves symptomatic of magnesium deficiency either. I will try that though because I actually do have some Cal Mag on hand :bigjoint:

What do you know about Botanicare coco? I used it once to great success, and then later used another brand with less success so now I am switching back to it. At my local hydro store they said it is impossible to over water botanicare coco.
^^^^hmm my guess is overwatering........don't see def or toxicity issues here

Thank you for your input Psuagro. These plants are fed in coco by 2 GPH pot misters for 15 seconds per hour (approx 1/4 gal of water per pot, per hour). The drain bucket for all 9 plants accumulates about 3 gallons every 24 hours. Does this seem like over watering?

Also I have not noticed anything else that I usually encounter with over watering (such as algae on top of the medium). Instead of using pots, these are in big CocoTek pot liners, which I was hoping would increase the aeration of the medium. As far as my attempt, it seems to be better than traditional pots so far.

**Ok I decreased the feedings about about 33%. Also attached another picture of an unusual characteristic of the leaves that might help troubleshoot

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This is how the pots are watered. Check out the roots growing out of the top of the medium! Its like aeroponics but with medium, ha ha. :blsmoke:
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Quite a hybrid system you got their grower^^^....looks to be working safe and happy growing
After turning down the watering schedule, the plants do look a bit better. I got a closer look at one of the yellowing leaves displaying the most severe symptoms.
2012-10-18 13.05.45.jpg

Anybody know what the deal with those spots are?:-|
this is strain dependent! gods gift is know to do this no matter how much cal mag u give or fixin u try to do. it gonna do it.
I've had this several times before and answered it with giving it a dose of bat guano mixed with water. It worked for me.