Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

What do you guys think the cause of this yellowing and twisting of new growth can be? And how can I go about solving this?
If i can recall my ppm was around 500.

Wat does e.c. mean?

Here's my feeding:
Ionic Grow (50%/50ml)
Diamond Nectar (15tsp)
Hydozyme (40ml)
Pro-Silicate (2tsp)
Floralicious Plus (1tsp)
*per 5gal
PH: 6.0-6.3
Soil: Pro-Mix

Do you think it could be lacking something? IDK, this is my first grow and this weird growth is frustrating me. :/


Well-Known Member
Mainly that one plant looked the worse. But you can see it in the tops of others. Kinda looks like over watering. Plus leaves are all clawing and drooping with light green new growth. Constantly soggy soil will mess up uptake of nutrients.
What size/kind/pots are you using?
I am using all size pots ranging from 3.5 gal to 15 gal, Square 3.5 pots, 7/10/15 circle regular black nursery pots. I try to water by weight and the finger in the soil test. I usually water when the plants are near drooping.
If i was you id drop the food a little and feed them less yo use clay pebbles or anything else in your soil mix??if not id defo chuck quite a few handfulls in the mix next time to help with draining.
Light House, here's my last feeding:

Ionic Grow (50%/50ml)
Diamond Nectar (15tsp)
Hydrozyme (40ml)
Pro-Silicate (2tsp)
Floralicious Plus (1tsp)
*per 5gal
PH: 6.0-6.3
Soil: Pro-Mix

Temperature at night is around 69 deg. F and temp during the day is around 85 deg. F

And yes i am foliar feeding:

Nitrozime (2tsp)
Floralicious Plus (2ml)
Palmolive Original (2tsp)
*per liter

NOTE: I showed the guy at the hydro store this video and he said that I was probably lacking nitrogen, so I went ahead and up the Ionic Grow to 50ml per 5 gal which is about 50% strength and I can actually notice the plants getting greener. I'll post an updated video soon. But I would love more input from you guys out there. Thanks!
iliveinaspaceship 2012, i really wasn't feeding them much i dont think umm here's my cycle

1. Ionic Grow 50%

2. Ionic Grow 25%

3. Ph'd Water

you don't think i could be lacking something since i am using pro-mix (a bare soil mix) and light feeding? Unless you think that my cycle is a heavy feed? idk :/