yellowing spreading up the plant now..pH?


So I am 3 weeks into flower with some Blue dream ladies. I have been battling a soil pH issue ever since i learned soil pH will affect just how much nutrients the plant can absorb. my meter tests at 7 and has since day 1, and continues to do so. I water at 6.5, and recently flushed all of them out with plenty of water. Should I be looking at adding some sulfate to the soil? Since they are planted, would have to be the top only, then would i actually see a change in the lower levels of the soil. I enclosed a few pics. They are all of the same plant, but if i can fix one of them i can fix em all.

I also bought a soil pH meter to help aide me, i usually reads at 7 especially if i take the plant out of the room and leave the meter in the soil for a minute maybe. When its in the room i get 7 most of the time, and then 6.5-6.0 sometimes too so i don't know what to think, anyone got any exp with the soil pH meters,


Well-Known Member
Don't spend too much time doing the soil ph spend more time makeing good water with nutrients in.The yellowing has prob been caused by you ajusting the ph of the soil.If you flush the plant's on a regular basis then there realy is no need to bother with the ph of the soil.Also i think i know what kind of soil gage that you are taling about the one that tells you the ph once placed in the soil for a few mins at root level.The best way that i have found of getting the best soil ph is to let the plant's dry out then water with just water no nutes ph this water at 6.5 in soil keep watering make sure that you move the top layer of soil.The soil will leave a cavaty down the sides of the pot because the soil shrinks when dry.Keep pooring water into the soil till it is nice and wet.This is best done in the bath if possible then once the run of stop's add the water with the nutrients in this ammount of water will do the plant's no harm has long has you don't water again untill dry.Repeat the process normaly 7 days later if under a hps light.Then on the final nutrient feed take a reading of the run of this will give you a far better reading then useing one of the probe meter's there not accurate enouth.If it was a digi one then it would be a differant ball game.But if you do want to lower the ph of the soil use dolamite lime but honest the ph of the feed is far more important.


Active Member
To get your soil ph correct then why not buy some PH up and some PH down . Then you should be able to get your ph corrected . Are you letting your water sit in your grow room for 24 hour to get clorine and other toxins out of the water


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them? if your ph is between about 6.5 and 7.0, this shouldn't be happening... Sounds more to me like you are using phosphorus heavy flowering nutrients and are forgetting about all of the nitrogen you need for the stretch or maybe over fertilizing.... get some pics up for us!


I feed with Foxfarm nutrients, but significantly lower dosages than recommended the tiger bloom is 2-8-4 but i have had this issue all along and the grow is 6-4-4. Could definitely be over watering a little


Don't spend too much time doing the soil ph spend more time makeing good water with nutrients in.The yellowing has prob been caused by you ajusting the ph of the soil.If you flush the plant's on a regular basis then there realy is no need to bother with the ph of the soil.Also i think i know what kind of soil gage that you are taling about the one that tells you the ph once placed in the soil for a few mins at root level.The best way that i have found of getting the best soil ph is to let the plant's dry out then water with just water no nutes ph this water at 6.5 in soil keep watering make sure that you move the top layer of soil.The soil will leave a cavaty down the sides of the pot because the soil shrinks when dry.Keep pooring water into the soil till it is nice and wet.This is best done in the bath if possible then once the run of stop's add the water with the nutrients in this ammount of water will do the plant's no harm has long has you don't water again untill dry.Repeat the process normaly 7 days later if under a hps light.Then on the final nutrient feed take a reading of the run of this will give you a far better reading then useing one of the probe meter's there not accurate enouth.If it was a digi one then it would be a differant ball game.But if you do want to lower the ph of the soil use dolamite lime but honest the ph of the feed is far more important.
Definitely going to try and keep things steady, its not like the plants are dying just trying to keep them healthy. I do have one of those probe meters, and I don't really like it too bottom line keeping my water feeds at a constant pH @ 6.5.

...anyone got any more advice...thanks


Well-Known Member
pH problems usually cause spots I thought? It looks like you need to feed your plants more nutrients or higher dosages. Perhaps some nitrogen. That's my opinion, but definitely wait for more advice.


Active Member
through that ph light water tester out , I had one got proper test kits and that thing is way off dont even look at agan.
may be a little over watering i only water on 4-5 day some people leave them longer 6-7 days.:peace: good luck hope this helps


Active Member
Ok, couldn't really see the pics on my laptop last night, I got a better view now. That's plenty of light and they are not burned from heat so that's good. How big is that pot your using? And are you soil only?

That Ph meter is dope dude I gotta find one of those.

That pot may not be big enough for that plant you need about a gallon of soil per foot of growth unless you are doing a hydroponic method. If your pot size is good, there are lots of natural additives out there just gotta find the right one.

Here's one thread that's helped a lot of people. - Common plant problems


So i believe i have figured out what my issue is. It appears to be a lack of drainage in my soil, or its too compacted. The main thing is, they have not been drinking water. I have not watered in almost a week and a half. So I am thinking my roots are not happy, and would love a quality soil like FF ocean forest. Which I bought yesterday for my newest batch. Soil looks much nicer, lots of peat moss and pearlite. That's another thing my current soil is lacking, pearlite.


Well-Known Member
could have a bigger pot,add some gardenlime,They look hungry,.Also you can add some blue light to the room,Like a 6500k cfl,if your hps bulb does'nt have a blue spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Aeration of your soild is key, it's better to be too aerated and have to water more often than being compacted. The one problem i always felt like i had with fox farms was that if you follow their schedule (even if you reduce amounts), you are not getting enough nitrogen in early flower when the plants still need it. They are shooting up and there is still lots of new growth which means you still need that nitrogen. Fox farms goes heavy on the phosphorus at the beginning of flower with their schedule which isn't really needed until you are at least 4 weeks in or so. So, my final suggestions are more nitrogen, back off on the total ppm because there is some minor nute burn on your leaf tips, and it also looks like there is the beginning of a potassium def.. The edges on the side of the leaves are burning and curling back a little (see it in photo 1).


Well-Known Member
Your ph meter, I bought 2 of those for $10 bucks each and tested them next to my digital ph meter, they are so off they may as well not even work. I use them for moisture only now. I would wager its nute lock because your ph is off farther than you realize. I dipped one of those in vinegar , milk, and lime juice, it moved ever so slightly and was at least 3-4 ph off. Please get a diff ph meter, would hate for a $10 piece of faulty equip to ruin your harvest.


I def don't use that meter anymore, just a light/moisture meter now. Just pH'ing my water and going from there.

My soil is def the issue. Since I am not using water, and not growing at all. My ladies definately shot up right when flower started, but have tapered off after that. And I am not really adding any mass to the buds. here is a current picture too. So I have not watered with significant nutrients since I have seen this yellowing issue really take off. Been keeping it light, with just water over three weeks ago, and micro nutrient at 250ppm a week and a half ago. Still not seeing a change. Overall they don't look terrible, the buds have good crystals just not putting on mass. DSC00998.jpgDSC00999.jpgDSC00997.jpgDSC01000.jpg