Yellowing the 1st 2 days of flowering

Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
I also learned through the "omg my plant is doing something panic whats wrong" method. What i can tell you now isnyour plants are fine. Like everyone else already said new growth in flower is yellowish. You lower fan leaves will turn yellow i mean solid yellow like a crayon if you have a nitrogen problem and your tops will yellow if phosphorus problem. Keep doing what youre doing. They look good. Like cyrus said, dont worry about each little thing.

You could look through my current grow journal and see my pics have some yellow and brown spotted leaves showing mag and nit def but i just corrected when I saw and they are doing great. Its normal to show deficiency indoors especially under led lights. Just be confident and there is always a great community here at RIU willing to help out. Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if you add flowering nutes or not, when you switch over to flowering your plant is going to stretch and have new growth that comes out yellow. You even mentioned your plants didn't do this til you switched so it just holds up to reason this is little more than fresh growth. Hell I got mine in fox farms ocean forest giving nothing but water and cal-mag and I still get yellow growth but after a few days it turns a healthy green.

Relax man, the more you worry the more likely you are to hurt your plant. Seriously your plant looks amazing. Just start it's flowering nutes at 1/2 recommended strength and slowly build up from there as you move forward.
I am growing my plants with the same method as you cyrus. FFOF and cal-mag every other watering.