Yellowing Tops. Please Help. with pics


Active Member
Hello everyone i am having some problems with my mothers. I have been on other sites and tried to get some help but nobody seems to be able to work out what my problem is.

I will try and explain exactly what has happened as best i can. Sorry if this is longwinded and thankyou for taking the time to read

I got my mothers about 2 weeks back and they was fine for a week or so until the tops started going yellow.

First week i got them they was given one third dose of formulex, they seemed to be fine with it. i was seeing very quick growth and one of the mothers was groing about 1 inch every couple of days

Next feed i gave them half strength Bio Bizz grow.

That is when the yellowing started.

Initially i thaught it was overfert but they hadnt been given much food and they was growing very fast and looked very healthy.

I put it down to a deficiency after reading a few websites and decided to give it a full dose of bio bizz grow yesterday. This only seemed to make more problems. Now i have rusty yellowing tips.

Both mothers are under 600w metal halide, the light is about 1.2m above them.

Thankyou in advance for any replies this is really getting to me i hope one of you could point me in the right direction, basically i need to know what deficiency it is and how to treat it.

If anyone needs more information please dont hesitate to ask i may have left some info out, i also have lots of pictures which i can upload if needed.



Active Member
Thanks, i thought about that but since i havent really fed them at all , only 3 feeds total over 3 weeks which 2 was half doses.

The pots was super dry when i watered.

I have seen that it could be some sort of sulphur/iron/zinc deficiency but i havent a clue how to treat this.

If its definately not a deficiency i will flush straight away and see what happens.

Help! :cry:

EDIT: just wanted to add that the PH has been a steady 6.0-6.2 since i got them


Well-Known Member
Well the PH is ok...but i'm not sure about the other things...generally you only wanna feed every 3-5 if your feeding once a week it could be too much for it...and thus in turn has created nute i said...flush your plants no matter what...then start fresh's your best bet.

Getting some tools will elimanate your stresses...a EC/PPM meter is always good to have...unless you've done this lots, it will take away all your worries about over/under feeding, as well as a moisture meter...then you know when is good to water.

Looking at your plants again...i realize that most of the leaves are only 3 fingers...when in fact they should be at least 7 finger definatly have a nute deficancy...flush immediatly and then on your next watering feed them with about 1/4 the reccomended dosage of food, slowly upping the amount of ferts you give over time.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice homegrown, i will flush them as soon as they are dry and take it from there. or is it ok to flush when i have just fed them? the last feed was 2 days ago with full strength bio bizz. the soil is still quite wet.

Thanks again for your help :)


Active Member
It should be ok to flush right now. Just make sure you get it all out. The nutes will do more damage than overwatering. You might just have to let it dry out for a couple extra days.


Active Member
Your lights could be too close to the top. Not sure but they could be.

they started yellowing while under 2 x 36w flouresant bulbs, it just seemed to get worse under the metal halide, i have cuttings under the metal halide with the mothers and they are fine, the light is about 1.2 metres plus above the canopy, basically i have a grow tent, the light is as high as it can get and the tent is 2 metres tall and the cuttings and mothers are sat at the very bottom.

Thanks for your replies


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice homegrown, i will flush them as soon as they are dry and take it from there. or is it ok to flush when i have just fed them? the last feed was 2 days ago with full strength bio bizz. the soil is still quite wet.

Thanks again for your help :)

No problem. Just get them done and then start to analyze what's what. Keep us updated so we can help you in anyway possible.


Active Member
just thaught i would add that the 2 mothers both have different soil, one has a standard potting soil and the other has bio bizz all mix but they both show same symptoms. I would assume that means the soil is not a problem and definately something im doing to them for them both to go like that.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped so far it is much appreciated i will keep this thread updated till i find the answer.


Active Member
You have a nitrogen defficiency.

Keep us posted with pics when you have sorted the problem.


Well-Known Member
You have a nitrogen defficiency.

Keep us posted with pics when you have sorted the problem.

He might...but with the amount he's been feeding shouldn't be lacking's probaly just salt build up blocking the proper nute intake to the plants roots, hence why flushing is in order...never try to correct the problem before flushing a plant you have already been feeding.


Active Member
Yeah just flush it,

But the symptoms of nitrogen def are yellowish tops and eventually will go brown in small patches.


Active Member
I would definately flush and re-assess.. what are the specs of your grow area? and how old are your mothers?

ok this is my grow area

1.2m X 1.2m X 2m Grow tent.
100mm inline ruck + carbon filter combo
600w Metal halide
Bio Bizz G/B
Bio Bizz All Mix

Temps are getting down to 16 degrees c at night and 21 degrees in the day. I realise that this should really be a little higher.

Humidity is a stable 55-65% and always has been the same.

I have 2 mothers, both have the symptoms. One is an unknown indica and the other is a skunk #1 clone i got from a friend. Skunk #1 is about 6 months old when i got her and the indica was about 1 month old when i got her. I have so far had them for 3 weeks.

Once again thanks for everyones help, this is the best response i have had from any forum. Not wanting to diss any others but you people here have made me feel the most welcome without making me feel like an idiot.


Going to flush in a couple of hours, will keep updated as time goes on.


Active Member
keep on a distilledwater diet only for a few days and see if it gets worse or better. if it gets better it was probably too much nutes.. if it gets worse its probably a nitrogen def, unless you MH is throwin off too much heat, how close is the lamp to the tops?


Active Member
lamp is just under 2 metres above the canopy about 1.5 metre. If you see earlier posts i explain my setup and how the plants are in there.

Flushed both mothers today with about 20 litres between them, one is only in a 1 litre pot but i still put about 10 litres thru her.
I will be back to update on how things are going over the next day or two.

Thanks for your reply Lysergic.