Yellowing Tops. Please Help. with pics


Well-Known Member
Yeah just flush it,

But the symptoms of nitrogen def are yellowish tops and eventually will go brown in small patches.

Yes it does look like it...BUT when a person has been feeding it already, and it looks like that, it usually means that the plant isn't taking up the nutes it needs because there's a nute lock-out. The first mistake people make is to feed it more when in fact it just usually needs to be flushed and started over. It's the worst mistake you can will ALWAYS do more damage then good by overfeeding.


Active Member
OK i flushed yesterday about 24-36 hours ago and upn looking today they seem to have possibly got worse?? the yellow looks almost white and is drooping and looks like those parts will die.

There is also more burning of the leaves, but at the same time there are some leaves that look to have pumped some green back into them.

Basically the plant looks exactly the same as it did but with more burnt leaf edges and the yellow tops look like there dying..

this is starting to get to me now, i have almost everything set out how it should be as far as environment,PH goes. I am thinking maybe a bad batch of nutes?

Would anyone have any suggestions as to where to go from here or is it too early to tell since i only flushed yesterday.

Once again thanks for all everyones help and i really appreciate all comments and criticism.

EDIT: also thaught i would add that i PH tested the runoff while flushing the mothers and it was 6.2


Active Member
i would next look at the lighting... reduce it or raise it up more.. if that doesnt help, you might have to clip them if they start gettin crispy and browning. im sorry bro this is a hard one


Active Member
No need to be sorry mate, you are helping as much as you can, what more can i ask for :)

Thanks Lysergic, with the help of you amazing people i will definately get to the bottom of this if it kills me, ill document all the way.

Im still thinking maybe a dodgey batch of bio bizz because it started as soon as i gave it the half dose of grow. But am unsure on wether Bio bizz spoils after a certain time due to temperature changes ect as its meant to be kept cool, so if the place that i got it from may have handled/stored it badly and sold it me. Anyone know if bio bizz spoils as it is a living product isnt it?

Dunno, maybe im going too deep here, just had a few hits on the :joint: and i cant stop thinkin about it.


Well-Known Member
Because the plant has suffered alot already...your not going to see results right away, they are stressed and need some recovery time, just keep an eye on it. You won't see the old growth become green again, but all the new growth is where you can start to asses it's situation.


Active Member
Hello all im back with a little update and some pics on the situation after the flush 2 days ago.

Basically i havent seen any good signs yet, the damaged leaves seem to have died off so most of them got chopped to reduce the risk of disease as they was already dead.

My skunk #1 plant was getting really stretchy and today i decided to chop the top off her, i am almost sure that part would have died anyway(see pic)

Anyway heres a couple of pics , maybe someone can shed a little more light on the situation.

Thanks again everyone.



Active Member
now im getting worried, my clones have started to show signs of the same!

Im thinking a PH problem but my mind is going crazy please help me i dont want to lose what i have to a stupid mistake. I have never had this happen before and i have grown a few times.



Well-Known Member
I would say that's it s a PH problem mixed with a bit of heat stress. Get your PH to 6.5, it's about the neutral area for weed. Like i said though...your plant will suffer for a few days because of the stress it has had over the past week. Sometimes you don't start to notice changes for 4-6 days.


Active Member
i have the same problem as you. it started with the tips and the little they grew is all yellow. they haven't shown any improvement and now its half the plants. its been almost 3 weeks and i cant figure it out. we have flushed them, lowered the Ph, and cut back on ferts but nothing. it is very frusterating!!!


Active Member
I have given all my plants a foliar spray with formulex. This morning i noticed some of the leaves were a better green colour. Formulex is what i gave to the plants at the start and they loved it before i changed to Bio Bizz. Maybe gonna try watering with it next time.


Well-Known Member
hey farmer daz . mine are outdoor plants & they started browning, man 2 died within 4
days. I tried flushing but it didn't work as well as putting my pots into a big tub of water
& soaking for about 10 min. then remove , then I flushed . It worked . Then I backed off the fert. for a couple of weeks. GOOD LUCK :)


Well-Known Member
I think I have the same problems, I am growing 3 plants right now, about a month in their vegative growth, I have one purple haze, Afgani and an ak47. All my plants are being fed general hydroponics nutes in the following order
100mm of flora grow, 75mm of flora micro and 50mm of flora bloom.. my plants are doing just fine except the purple haze, which is starting to show some yellow spots < not on the tip of the leaves but around the leaves and looks like its just spreading...
I know it cannot be a nute lock up, because the other two is fine, lighting is about 6 inches off the top of the plant using fluro's... I havent tried flushing that one plant yet, although, I dont see the point in doing a complete flush on my hydro system since the other two plants are fine.... any ideas?
temp: 75-80 degrees
humidity is always less than 60 and more than 40%

any help????


Active Member
Sorry i cant answer your question maybe others can help but ill give you some info on my plants.

Top half of plants went dead and had to be chopped off, and i am using Bio Bizz.

Week 1: 1ml formulex per litre ( they seemed to love it and grow quick, like 2 inches every couple or days,

Week 2: Given Bio Bizz Grow 1.5ml per litre. This when it started.

Week 3: Yellowing started to get quite bad, it seemed like the plant was just dying for food . Gave them full stregnth of Bio Bizz grow.

That was it then, it was downhill from there, i have flushed with about 20l

Foliar sprayed the mothers and clones and selected 2 clones to make a test on, i will feed them the same water that the mothers have been using.
if the clones go yellow then ill be able to narrow it down a bit.

And Twistyman thanks very much for your info made me feel a little better.


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Its been a while but i have finally seen some improvements and found the answer to my problem.

Basically the PH was TOO low by miles.

How it happened was i bought a cheap PH tester, one of the liquid ones, and it only goes from PH 6.0 - 7.4. This seemed would be ok for my situation but a massive mistake on my part caused the death of a very healthy mother and nearly 40 clones.

When i was lowering the Ph i liked to take it down to 6.0 but the colour for 6.0 is yellow on the indicator, but if your solution is 4.5 or 5.0 it will STILL show as yellow!

This was my big mistake , after not growing for a while i had forgot the amounts of PH DOWN i should use, now i remember its about 1 drop per litre for my water and i was putting in sometimes 5 or 6 drops!

But like i said the PH tester was not showing those results, all it showed was 6.0 so i was happy with that and just fed it to my babies, mothers and clones.

So i found this out yesterday and made sure to give them PH water of 6.4 and the GREEN is coming back in the leaves.

Thankyou to everyone who helped and i hope this thread can be a good example of what can happen with too low PH.

:joint: *puff puff give*


New Member
man, I have super duper problems.

I have spent a grand.
I have a 600 watt hps, and i started big bud and kuhuna, they grew to the 3rd node then started browning at the bottom leaves, and died.

I changed soil 6 times.

I changed the water, to distilled, rain, tap, and store bought spring water.

i stopped using ferts.

then i bought a lower wattage light, 250 watt hps and metal hylid.

same thing happening.

i have 1 plant, 4 months old, less then 1 foot high and almost no leaves, they all died so i trimmed them and the little sprouts haven't grown.

every plant dies.

now my seeds wont start, i bought 60 white widow and 1 plant actually grew out of 35 seeds i planted, using the different soil and water and no ferts.

I cant fken take this.

what the fk ?

I used to just throw a seed in dirt and it grew, now I cant get anything to gow,

i thought it was the temp. so i put a heater in the room and still everything dies.

i water everyday and then i water everyother day, and they all grow to 3rd set of leaves and die.

what the fk am i doing thats killing these things ?

could the seeds be junk ? is it possible to get several strains of seeds from a company that are just pure shit ?

i have tried every combination, to no avail

4 months and i have a midget big bud that wont grow, 1 kahuna that grows 1 set of leaves in 4 weeks and the last set dies. and i have 1 white widow that's 2 weeks old but is just now getting it's 3rd set of leaves.

it's like they are in slow motion.

i even had 14 cfls, all blue on for 24 hours a day for 1 1/2 months and nothing.

what the fk ?

how can plants not grow ? the roots are very very very slow growing.

could the temp cause this ?

i have 2 therm.s 1 says 60 and the other says 70

i guess i have to go buy a 3rd to figure out what one is right.

i bet it will say 80.

this is getting very very expensive and i havn't got 1 good fken plant.

i have done this many many times from begining to bud.

what the fk ?