Yellowish leaves on top of plant vs Dark green.


Ok two plants grown in same soil. Soil brand has been know to, at times perhaps run a little hot Specially when transplanting to bigger pot. This soil

is mixed with 40 percent perlite. One plant looks dark green. Second plant looks like the top portion of the plant is a little too light/lime green

colored. Plant A also has Redish purple stems only on the top portion of the fan leaves. The leaves just look a little soft. Posted is a pic of each

plant. Neither of them has had any fertilizers ever because soil should have what is needed during veg... BUT the light colored plant was given a slight

supplement of epsom salts that was intended for plants not your feet. 1 teaspoon per gal and only about 10 ounces of that soultion three days ago. Any

ideas why plant A is lightly colored and plant B is dark colored? IS anything wrong with them? THey were just switched to flower 10 days ago. I have a

very good ph meter (its calibrated and running correctly). Ph run off is around 6.5. Temps are 70 ish when lights off and from 72 to 85 during lights

on. Watered with store bought spring water (easier to maintain ph vs distilled or RO imo). Do these look ok? Do i need a cal mag supplement? Do i need

to feed? These plants are both 43 days old from seed on 10th day of bloom. Only concerns are the slight yelloing tips, this is why I havent added fert

yet. Any help appreciated. IN FACT... if you respond and help ill send a hot asian hooker to your house. jk



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run off is not a good way to tell soil ph for one. and second NPK def. feed those bitches some nuts for god sake man. most soils will only support plants 3 weeks or so depending on pot sizes. no cal mag id say. yes they do look fine. just hungry. start nutes at half strength and work your way up to full. the two plants are pry different phenotypes. keep up tha good work happy growing yo!
Not different phenos. Plant A (shorter light green) is Nirvana Northern Lights standard.Plant B the kinda taller darker one, is the free Big Bud #2 that i got from Herbies. Will start with giving them food today! thanks
Oh and.. water going in is around 6.7 run off at 6.5 and yeah prolly starving they are going through the pre-flower "stretch" atm.
Ok so basically 10 days later and plant A looks worse on the older growth, but not really too bad on the new.. Here are some pictures. A.jpga4.jpgA5.jpgA6.jpgA7.jpg

and here is what i have done since. I have added a 1/3 dose of cal mag with a 30 percent concentration feeding of tiger bloom and big bloom. Then watered with plain water after it dried up. And have again watered with a 60 pecent strenth solution last night cal mag/tigerbloom/big bloom. They are not looking to good. Ph and everything from above still pertains. Are these leaves still underfert? Are they just looking bad on the mid growth because that is where the original defencies started? Or could they be getting nute burn? Its hard for me to tell because that plant has always been really pale, as plant B has always been more lush. Plant B has had same treatments and seems to be ok.

here is plant BPlant B.jpg


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They're overfed. You need to water less with the soil you are using so they aren't fed too much. I see you can't really flush, i can't either with my soil which has organic fertilizers mixed in, not slow release caps. If you're needing to water everyday to stop it from drying out and wilting then you need a bigger pot.

This is why i am gonna start mixing my own soil mix so i don't have these problems.
Yeah i need to get better soil. I still have a hard time with this being over fert problems. Seems to me its underfert and heat stress on those particular leaf sets. I havent fed this plant til last week though its entire grow and even with last weeks feeding it was pretty light. This plant has always been really light in color. Any other opinions on those leaves? Looks like P or K def? Thanks for your helps.