Yep, another newbie CFL grow! Kind of

Ha! There's the lurker! Thank you for the kind comment:) I've been shying away from this site, it's kind of abrasive...not you, of course :bigjoint: starting to remember why I left this site years and years ago.

Yes, the lurker emerges! I missed the energy so I had to summon you.
My apologies if I disturbed the vibe... It's full moon so I'm soakn' beans and naturally thought about you.

Shy away, huh... No way! You were going to just skip out on me, leave the site and not even say "peace out"??

If anyone is giving you and your CFLs some trouble, just page me *beep beep*
and I will appear through a thicket of thick blunt smoke like my name was Mac Dre,
to smack the keyboard out of their hands and call them a rookie!

You may want to drop me a message with your email, before battle, so we can keep in touch

Very excited the Fatso is a female after all. I keep going back and forth over the LED light, but I think I'm going to get it. It's way more efficient for the yield, it's just going to put a slight dent in my wallet. But I plan to grow consistently from here on out, so it'll be worth the investment. The cannabis taxes here in CA are INSANE.

I am excited with you. The LED will dent you in the wallet at first but the growth and the yield + energy savings will be worth it to you in the end. I love me a nice CFL grow.. Maybe for VEG you continue and then bang out some flowers underneath the LED. Be careful with the LED and make sure you get the best spectrum you can. Some LED lights lack red, green, UV (not truly full spectrum) and you will notice smoking the flower there is lack of resin/punch. Just a personal note you may consider while shopping. ( I like the GLA420 High Boards )

Oh hello neighbor! I didn't know you were a cali-head. Me too.
I hear you on the taxes... I love me some good pot though so I will turn a blind eye when the brands I watch are dropping.

A few of my friends work in licensed shops out here so there are some perks.
If you're ever shopping in the Santa Ana area, I can point you in the right direction.

It is very good to hear from you, was wondering if you were still around :D hope you and yours are doing well on this beautiful day

It is even better to hear back from you. Glad you responded to my letter from internet prison. It is much appreciated.
Me and my pet are doing well today and earlier this week: I got another new job which is really cool. I'll tell you about it sometime and talk your head off. It's my specialty it seems. Talking people's heads off... Haha

So on that note.. I will reiterate that the moon is almost full and now I am going to enjoy a nice spliff...

Let's plant more seed ~

Yes, the lurker emerges! I missed the energy so I had to summon you.
My apologies if I disturbed the vibe... It's full moon so I'm soakn' beans and naturally thought about you.

Shy away, huh... No way! You were going to just skip out on me, leave the site and not even say "peace out"??

If anyone is giving you and your CFLs some trouble, just page me *beep beep*
and I will appear through a thicket of thick blunt smoke like my name was Mac Dre,
to smack the keyboard out of their hands and call them a rookie!

You may want to drop me a message with your email, before battle, so we can keep in touch

I am excited with you. The LED will dent you in the wallet at first but the growth and the yield + energy savings will be worth it to you in the end. I love me a nice CFL grow.. Maybe for VEG you continue and then bang out some flowers underneath the LED. Be careful with the LED and make sure you get the best spectrum you can. Some LED lights lack red, green, UV (not truly full spectrum) and you will notice smoking the flower there is lack of resin/punch. Just a personal note you may consider while shopping. ( I like the GLA420 High Boards )

Oh hello neighbor! I didn't know you were a cali-head. Me too.
I hear you on the taxes... I love me some good pot though so I will turn a blind eye when the brands I watch are dropping.

A few of my friends work in licensed shops out here so there are some perks.
If you're ever shopping in the Santa Ana area, I can point you in the right direction.

It is even better to hear back from you. Glad you responded to my letter from internet prison. It is much appreciated.
Me and my pet are doing well today and earlier this week: I got another new job which is really cool. I'll tell you about it sometime and talk your head off. It's my specialty it seems. Talking people's heads off... Haha

So on that note.. I will reiterate that the moon is almost full and now I am going to enjoy a nice spliff...

Let's plant more seed ~

Thank you for the laughs :P Mac Dre, eh? Congrats on the new job, hope the new endeavor brings harmony in your life. Interested to hear about it, for sure. I've been wondering what I will get into when I get back to work... no ideas yet

And thank you for the rec on the LEDs. I really wish I had an outdoor spot to grow... someday, anyway! The way the plant is supposed to be grown lol

I'll be around, was just being a sensitive lil boy haaaaaa... being empathic to the degree I am has a flip side that can be taxing at times. Whaddya gonna do? Humans be humans, and one can't hide away in a cave forever. Tried that already, as a Buddhist monk in Thailand years ago. I'll have to tell you about that one someday lol.

Fellow SoCal 8) so you know! My sister and I sometimes go in together, and get some of the deals, too, so it helps. I just remember a few years ago, not having to worry about the dispensaries at all, and how nice it was. I don't own a car, so I am extremely limited on where I can get cannabis. Usually overpriced crap from delivery :cry: my city allows no brick/mortar. Not yet, at least.

Thus, home grown is truly a blessing in my life.

Anyways, as you can see, I am fairly talented at talking heads off, as well :-P enjoy the seed planting, I need some rest, been running full steam... need to find good seed stock for the next round, too...
peace and blessings
Changing it up here... everybody to the flowering tent! Puts about 393w of CFLs in there. Reasons are too numerous to list, but 12/12 is most likely how I will run the tent from here on out.



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I would loose the small cfls to allow the larger ones closer placement, your plants will appreciate it. You won’t get that much extra from the smaller ones any how. unless you can raise the smaller ones to the same height as the others. Good luck
So I germinated her, and I actually found her in my carpet. I was about to vacuum I was sitting on the floor smoking a bowl, and I felt a little bump and it happened to be a seed!

She popped within 24 hours, and grew the tap root within another 24 hours and I was like holy moly! I need to get her in some dirt.

The only thing I could get...and come on y'all don't hit me for this, it was Miracle-Gro potting mix. Not even potting soil. I know. Let's just pretend it never happened

But you know what? She did fine for the first 3 weeks, and then...

I was so heartbroken I couldn't even take photos of her, she was so close to death. And I knew why. It wasn't necessarily the toxicity of the soil, I tested the pH it wasn't that bad. It was that the roots were getting strangled because it was a potting mix and it was compacting on her.

I was so grateful for that experience because I learned so much, and got some great feedback from some people I kind of wish I had photos to post here to help others learn from my mistakes.

Oh well, we all live and learn!

So I finally got my disability check, and I was able to buy some ocean from Fox farm, a little hot for her but she's doing okay. Mixed it up with a bunch of perlite and she's in a 3 gallon aerated bag. And as you can see, she's feeling a lot better!

And so am I.

Anyways, it's glad to be back, hope you'll stay tuned watch this grow and help me out. I will be reaching out to others as well cuz this community is awesome, and we can all strive to happiness and growing together.

As promised here are photos of my setup. Very meager, but nonetheless it's going to give me a little bit of fun while I'm waiting for my body to heal and fight this case.
One of the best ever bag seeds I grew was found down the side of a settee/ sofa (I guess u can still callit bag seed) sofa seed anyhow, found ,yep you got it, just before a vacuumed, no idea what strain it was, but it crew some giant ass leaves and grew tall very fast.
when I say giant, I mean giant, dwarfed any of the other plants in the cupboard.
I would loose the small cfls to allow the larger ones closer placement, your plants will appreciate it. You won’t get that much extra from the smaller ones any how. unless you can raise the smaller ones to the same height as the others. Good luck
I agree. Light placement could be better. Most of the lights are fairly close, I would say 3-7" on average. The one big light not close to the big plant I purposefully put closer to the lil ones on the table.

What makes it tricky is the big CFLs are too big. In a 2x4, one always wants to touch the side. Took me 30 minutes to get this arrangement steady! Close enough lol

I've already busted 3 lights, as well, trying to mess with them.

To alleviate this stress lol, I might get an LED next week. We'll see. Happy growing to you, and thank you for the feedback :)
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One of the best ever bag seeds I grew was found down the side of a settee/ sofa (I guess u can still callit bag seed) sofa seed anyhow, found ,yep you got it, just before a vacuumed, no idea what strain it was, but it crew some giant ass leaves and grew tall very fast.
when I say giant, I mean giant, dwarfed any of the other plants in the cupboard.
Sofa seed lol. That sounds awesome! Don't you love it when something like that happens? I can't wait to see what this baby yields me :) and in my experience, too, some of the bag seed just goes nuts, and potent, too ;) happy growing
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Moved the lights around a bit, and I have to say I'm pretty happy. On top of that, I don't think I'm going to get the LED. Been thinking...

I actually want to start smoking a lot less than I do now, so harvesting more will not help with that endeavor! I've always had difficulty being content with what I have in my life, and I know that that is the key to the doorway of happiness.

In the midst of this contemplation, I then asked myself a simple question. Why am I growing again? Much to my surprise, there was no clear answer.

In this life, I notice I am happier when I am content with what I have right before me. That is going to be my main focus again, and not growing cannabis to harvest pounds and pounds. It's hard to shake that thought process, because that is the thought process that used to drive me in my growing operations. Never enough, never satisfied. Always looking for more. Always unhappy. Always trying to maintain control. Haaaa!

Now, I just want to grow to have enough cannabis to smoke when needed in my life. I don't want to have to go to the dispensaries, pay all these taxes, and waste all this time and money chasing a plant that I can grow in my own home. I have a feeling being caught up in all of that is contributing to my problem with cannabis. There's so much time and energy and focus on it, obtaining it, and then consuming it.

That is also why I like growing with CFLs. It is extremely low maintenance, and very easy to grow these plants. I just give them water and that's it.

Ultimately, my faith in cannabis as a healer is planted in the idea that it should not be abused, and not be utilized for material gain or power. After all, I believe that this plant is here to help us see through that illusion in the first place.

Smoking it all day everyday doesn't allow me to see what it really has to reveal as clearly. But most of all, I just want to be more content, and not in dis-ease most of the time. Smoking more cannabis doesn't bring contentedness, at least not for me.

Anyways, I'm rambling on! Here's how I have it set up now-. 3x85w 6500k on the Fatso, 3x23w 2700k on the GG4s. I will probably place a few more CFLs on the GG4s later next week.



Happiness is right here, right now. Have a blessed and peaceful evening everyone, may you find what you seek, and happy growing.
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Feeling better today, and definitely happy with my grow. After sleeping on all of my contemplations, I feel steadfast and content with the direction I want to go. I only smoked three times today, as well.

I want to keep working on that and get it down to two. Afternoon break, and in the evening before bed, and that's it. In the afternoon break I actually want to vape cartridge oil instead of combusting and getting burnt out.

And for those of you crazy enough to be reading my thread, not only do I appreciate it, but I am also realizing now that this is a grow journal not just for my plants but for myself, so I apologize for that! But that's what's going to be happening, so get used to it lol. And I say all of that with love, I do.

So without further Ado today's update :)



Plan to use a little bit of Fox farm tiger bloom in a couple of weeks, otherwise no changes have ever been implemented nor will they be. Ph balanced water with calcium, magnesium and potassium is all I've been giving her, derived from a 50/50 mix of reverse osmosis water and soda water, and I cannot believe how well it works.
Damn cuhz!

Shit is getting deep!

I fux with the vibe and the reflections.
That was a good read.

I can attest to smoking way too much kush..

However I find it is helpful when wading through heaps of bullshit.
When I find myself busy working, or on a project with others - there is a natural high.

Kush is still dank though. And I'll always smoke a spliff...
Whether for a crutch in times of bullshit or to relax when everything is chill.. If everything is ever chill..

Being in turtle mode really makes me put effort into my posts. It takes 20 minutes and 15 refreshers anyways..
So sorry for all the disconbobulated design. This reminds me I wanted to say hi to the Doctor today.. Shit

Keeping things smaller also help you go through more plants in detail imo.
Save your money on the LED. Don't go invest in any bitcoins instead that would be a lateral realization...

But I digress; All things growing :blsmoke:
Damn cuhz!

Shit is getting deep!

I fux with the vibe and the reflections.
That was a good read.

I can attest to smoking way too much kush..

However I find it is helpful when wading through heaps of bullshit.
When I find myself busy working, or on a project with others - there is a natural high.

Kush is still dank though. And I'll always smoke a spliff...
Whether for a crutch in times of bullshit or to relax when everything is chill.. If everything is ever chill..

Being in turtle mode really makes me put effort into my posts. It takes 20 minutes and 15 refreshers anyways..
So sorry for all the disconbobulated design. This reminds me I wanted to say hi to the Doctor today.. Shit

Keeping things smaller also help you go through more plants in detail imo.
Save your money on the LED. Don't go invest in any bitcoins instead that would be a lateral realization...

But I digress; All things growing :blsmoke:
Some interesting bits to chew on indeed! But I definitely can say for certain, absolutely no BTC!
Now your catching on....nice stuff..

If you do flower with led bulbs .....remember the k lighting the range should be in the 3000k area ok..

Keep it green :bigjoint:
Now your catching on....nice stuff..

If you do flower with led bulbs .....remember the k lighting the range should be in the 3000k area ok..

Keep it green :bigjoint:
Thanks buddy 8-) I've been looking at this one, whaddya think? It's on Amazon for $180.

If I decide to get something like this, I'll definitely go back to vegging for at least 4 weeks before flipping to flower. This light looks like a beast! I've checked out some videos of people using it to grow and they put out a lot of weight, and looks to be high quality and dense as well.

My last grow 4yrs ago I had a Mars hydro 600w and this was two plants at day 40 after flip- ended up with nearly 5 oz. They were a haze and a Kush, I harvested over the course of 10 to 14 days, can't remember.


Can't wait! I might even replicate this grow and do hempy buckets again, too. If I do go with this light, it'll probably be within the next 2 months. So far, I am very happy with what the CFLs are doing.
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Here we are one week since last photos, added a few more CFLs for the gorilla glues. Now at 416w , 24000 lumens.

Hoping one of the gg4s is a male so I can collect pollen and make some seeds later.



If you didn't already know: Fem seeds, often times (especially as of recent) can also throw male parts that release pollen. They call those Herms.
Really? I have been doing fems for many years and only the notorious Cali Connection Tahoe OG has ever hermied on me once one time