Root report SSH/SD 5-1-12
Sour Diesel

92 days of growth.
Looking at the stem cut:
you can see the excellent vascular system she has ( looks like a cross in the center)
I thinking due to the high moss content and lack of micro nutrients and poorly vented 5 gal bucket.
I did not achieve full root growth and there for reduced yield.
This was my 2nd try at soil set up and seems to have worked better than the 1st try yet still a ways to go.
Higher perlite % helped a lot
Over all :
Her roots reached the bottom and used most of the available space yet did not fill in very well so
I could still do better.
Super Silver Haze:

Stem Cut:
To me it look like she was sick/un-healthy
Poor looking vascular system with a discolored center I suspect is not good.
She was stuck in my 1st soil mix with the high moss/low perlite mix.
Looking at the root growth or lack of. Looking at the roots straight out of the bucket
you would think she had good growth yet breaking the dirt you find
almost no roots in the center.
I suspect this is due to being to compact and moist with lack of air for root to grow into.
Roots stayed outside and this is way after 100 days she still was not 100%
She did take the biggest hit from the mite attack and the cure so that may have stunted
her roots growth as well.
Over all:
I got really lucky with her. This must really be a great phenom to have still given the quality buds
after having been through so many different fights.
I learned so much watching her & will have fun growing her again.
I cant wait to see how the new soil mix I used on the other SSH Lady's with do.