yes me again, possible feeding problems maybe


Hi again, yes you all by now want to tell me to go bk to singing on karaoke, but i wanna see this grow through.. My other kinda issue now is that when i have fed my plants i dont get much run off at all, i was thinking of standing my plants in like a roses tin, the chocolate sort or something like that, with some feed in so my bottom roots are getting fed is this something i should do or just put more food in through the top, i give them about 1200 ml every day .peace
that sounds like a lot of water to me.. what size pots ya using.. feeding from the bottom is fine usually and can encourage your roots to stretch.. make sure your allowing the medium to dry out a bit before ya water as roots need oxygen aswell and again it will encourage your roots to grow.. hold fire on the tin you need drainage and the tin may rust adding unwanted chemicals to your grow... how far along are you prop/veg/bloom?


hi mate, i am using 10ltr pots, i have been putting that amount of water in but getting no run out, i have been in flower now for 6 days.


Active Member
You should be watering them with like 3 litres of water per time, getting around 300-450 ml run off. You should only be watering them every 2-5 days.

A good way to check is to stick your finger in the soil about an inch deep, if its dry an inch deep then they need a water.. If not then wait another day and check again.


thx kush, i am feeding them canna a and b should i pour 3 litres of this throught them and maybe stand them in the bath while they drain, or should i have a mixture of fresh water and feed thx man


Well-Known Member
Just water/feed them untill you have run off and use a saucer to stop the mess.Then allow pots to dry a lot more between waterings.