Megyn Kelly Uses Latest Mass Shooting to Dunk On Gun Reformer Activists: ‘You Have LOST. It’s DONE.’
Megyn Kelly reacted to the shooting in Allen, Texas by blaming gun control activists for stifling efforts to prevent mass killings.
The SiriusXM host took to Twitter on Saturday night with her thoughts on the mall outlet shooting in which eight people were killed and at least seven more were wounded before the gunman was killed. In her tweets, Kelly claimed gun control proponents will never succeed against the Second Amendment, so it’s time for them to abandon that goal and look at other ways of curbing gun violence.
“You’ve failed to effect change,” Kelly said to control advocates. “Please face it. You can’t do it, thanks to the 2A. We’re all well aware you don’t like that fact, but fact it is. What next? Must we just stay here sad, concerned, lamenting? Could we possibly talk OTHER SOLUTIONS?”
Kelly then offered her ideas on how to stop mass shootings.
Megyn Kelly Uses Latest Mass Shooting to Dunk On Gun Reformer Activists: ‘You Have LOST. It’s DONE.’
Megyn Kelly reacted to the shooting in Allen, Texas by blaming gun control activists who keep fighting for a solution she has deemed politically
“smthg real, not the bs we do now” cries for elaboration. As it stands, it is populist emotioneering. And I’m getting fed up with populists.I read that article and am scratching my head.
Mental health interventions (smthg real, not the BS we now do), greater willingness to lock ppl up (w/protocols in place for civil libs) who are deemed to be threats, fortification of soft targets, coordination of media response to not lionize shooters, etc.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) May 7, 2023
Who says it's one or the other? If people think that's the way to bring gun violence down, what's stopping her and others from taking action? Other than a lack of details and specifics about what those things mean in real life.
Her suggestions sound like a police state to me but OK, put up or shut up. What exactly do these actions look like? Are the shooters actually mentally ill? Make a case, don't just post something on twitter. I don't think we've lost, I think gun control advocates have been stymied by gun advocate radicals but I'm not aware that gun control advocates stand in anybody's way if they want to try something different to save lives.
Don't worry about me. I was hard on our America friends and got some deserved blowback, shit on my country and I would be the same. Sometimes I get ticked off by endless mass murders and looked at some pics of the victims from Texas on twitter unfortunately. Taking responsibility means voting for a different future, it is a privilege in this world to be able to do so and a crime to throw it in the toilet.Some of what DIY says rankles some here. I get it. Glad you are humble enough to continue to discuss even if you vehemently disagree at times.
When I first started reading it, I thought it was a plea to gun nuts to stop what they were doing because it isn't working. Which is objectively true, regardless of what Kelly actually said.“smthg real, not the bs we do now” cries for elaboration. As it stands, it is populist emotioneering. And I’m getting fed up with populists.
She is drawing the opposite conclusion from me, the fight for gun control is just beginning in America, the gun nut agenda is the thing that is finished along with the anti-abortion crowd and fascism in general. Right now, it is the dark before the dawn and it might take a few election cycles before they see the light of a new day, but it will come and cannot be stopped. The right is losing in America and have known it for as long as they gave up on democracy and started packing the supreme court by any means fair or foul, it is a long time coming, but it will come.Megyn Kelly Uses Latest Mass Shooting to Dunk On Gun Reformer Activists: ‘You Have LOST. It’s DONE.’
Megyn Kelly reacted to the shooting in Allen, Texas by blaming gun control activists for stifling efforts to prevent mass killings.
The SiriusXM host took to Twitter on Saturday night with her thoughts on the mall outlet shooting in which eight people were killed and at least seven more were wounded before the gunman was killed. In her tweets, Kelly claimed gun control proponents will never succeed against the Second Amendment, so it’s time for them to abandon that goal and look at other ways of curbing gun violence.
“You’ve failed to effect change,” Kelly said to control advocates. “Please face it. You can’t do it, thanks to the 2A. We’re all well aware you don’t like that fact, but fact it is. What next? Must we just stay here sad, concerned, lamenting? Could we possibly talk OTHER SOLUTIONS?”
Kelly then offered her ideas on how to stop mass shootings.
Megyn Kelly Uses Latest Mass Shooting to Dunk On Gun Reformer Activists: ‘You Have LOST. It’s DONE.’
Megyn Kelly reacted to the shooting in Allen, Texas by blaming gun control activists who keep fighting for a solution she has deemed politically
It's now just a moron facing a real long stretch for seditious conspiracy.he's an oxymoron all his own.....