iN aMErIcA, A couNtRY WiTH by far tHE most PoWeRfuL ArmY AND HighEST GdP, CIviLiAns neeD gUns TO pRotEct theMsELvEs AGainst aN INVasIon bY a racIsT CouNtRY.Yes lets take them all and hopefully when we’re invaded some horrible racist country will send us billions in aid lmao.
Not many where white people shoot up a bunch of black people in the streets cause those white people needs guns to protect themselves against an invasion by horrible racists. It’s just so utterly dumb. You don’t have a good reason to own guns.Glad you acknowledge theres worse places to be
Yea, walking on the fucking moon wasn't easy either.Assault rifles are already class 2, need Federal clearance that is not easy to obtain.
You wanting them is all the reason I needNot many where white people shoot up a bunch of black people in the streets cause those white people needs guns to protect themselves against an invasion by horrible racists. It’s just so utterly dumb. You don’t have a good reason to own guns.
This is MY Senator
Are you proud of yours in Texas?
Just asking
We have mental illness here in Canada too.Its easy to blame the gun but nobody seems interested in why people are using them. Mental illness is mental illness and evil is evil. You could take every gun ever made a melt it into one big ball of shit but if we can’t fix the heart of the problem it will just happen by different means. And the well the numbers wouldn’t be the same argument is bullshit. Ask Tim Mcveigh
Paper cuts are scaryNo its not. My point is only the problem is much deeper than the gun. Something is driving the desire for someone to squeeze the trigger. No guns it will be something else. Its a guarantee without fixing the why
Denial is a defense mechanism in which an individual refuses to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or experiences. It’s an unconscious process that serves to protect the person from discomfort or anxiety.
If you don't like what people are saying about you, correct yourself.speak for yourself
If you don't like what people are saying about you, correct yourself.