Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

They should make it a law that for every gun you own, you must have a large dildo. Want 100 guns like a big weirdo...welp, now you have a room full of dildos as well. Hope it makes them extremely uncomfortable.

Go ahead and extend it to conceal carry, maybe make a provision requiring one of those big 14 inchers to be open carried if you insist on concealed carry.
They should make it a law that for every gun you own, you must have a large dildo. Want 100 guns like a big weirdo...welp, now you have a room full of dildos as well. Hope it makes them extremely uncomfortable.

Go ahead and extend it to conceal carry, maybe make a provision requiring one of those big 14 inchers to be open carried if you insist on concealed carry.
They should make it a law that for every gun you own, you must have a large dildo. Want 100 guns like a big weirdo...welp, now you have a room full of dildos as well. Hope it makes them extremely uncomfortable.

Go ahead and extend it to conceal carry, maybe make a provision requiring one of those big 14 inchers to be open carried if you insist on concealed carry.
ya gonna shoot me widdat?

no, but Ima fuck you up!

Your idea would suck pretty much anywhere

Did the Canadian government pay it's citizens (or is it subjects?) $100 for a handgun?
As far as I know they just banned new sales and one has to have a permit to own one plus a valid reason and there are other restrictions too. It is a way to reduce the numbers of guns in America while staying inside the constitution, or some future US government could simply ban semi-automatic firearms of all kinds, even double action revolvers, cock and shoot only, that would also be constitutional. The 2nd constrains the methods the government can employ to taxation and regulation of types and calibers. In any case it is not up to me, but some future federal government in the states. I'm just laying out some possible constitutional methods for doing it, from the gentle registration and taxation to the harsh banning of semiautomatic weapons.

Things are generally like this on the rest of the planet...

Can you still use handguns in Canada?

You risk criminal charges and jail if you buy, sell, give away, or inherit any pistol or revolver. When you die, police will confiscate your handguns without compensation. For now, you're allowed to keep and use your handguns. If you applied to transfer handguns before today, you may still get the authorizations.Oct 21, 2022

Check out the fees and permit costs here.

The federal government can not just say "we're banning this type of weapon." They have to pass a law. There are these really hard to deal with cocksuckers called republicans, perhaps you've heard of them? They've stolen several state legislatures and packed the judicial system with friendly judges.
How, exactly do you suggest we deal with that, in a timely fashion?
If you tell me "That's why you have to win the triple crown." Or some shit like that, i'm going to get just fucking incredibly upset...
We're already trying pretty fucking hard to do that, but they're trying pretty fucking hard to stop us from doing that. That tends to slow the whole process down considerably. We're aware that those people have to be dealt with, but we're trying to avoid what sometimes seems like an inevitable civil confrontation, perhaps a war. While I am willing to do what has to be done to preserve democracy, that doesn't mean I'm eager for the situation to arise.
I'm just spelling out the constitutional methods that can accomplish certain ends, it is up to you to do it eventually and we both know what is required to pass a federal law. If they can have laws the 80% of people oppose, then they can also have laws that 80% of the people approve of. If the government decides to do this one day and you gotta mow down a million-gun nuts, that is what will be done. You just have to look at what other liberal democracies have done to see the future. You will control guns about the same time you have single payer government health care, when enough of a majority make up their minds about it. It's not up to me, as I said, I'm just spelling out the options that are constitutional and withing the feds power.
People wonder about the ‘universal’ popularity of the AR15.

I think it has to do with penis dimension. I have a pistol with a 7-round single-stack magazine. I have another with a 15-round staggered stack. Single stacks & 6-round revolvers were way popular back before everyone got professionally scared: they weren’t weapons of war, being, well, clumsy and slow.

Once everyone who watched tv was terrified of street crime (“STREET CRIME!!!”, the headlines would scream), “stopping power” was on everyone’s mind, as 9mm became ubiquitous (except for Harry’s .44 magnum); but handgun discipline is a SKILL SET few bother to learn (posing in front of the mirror (or on Instagram) is no substitute). A handgun is easy to POINT, aiming is harder. AR15s, AK47s - now THOSE have BDE by the pant load! Don’t take a girly gun to do a man’s job of murder and terror, use THE TOOL OF THE TRADE! That’ll get the job done!

I feel so…confident…now: I can practice small-unit tactics in the back yard with the kids! Make up our OWN shooter drills! RULE TIK-TOK!!!!

Which kinda brings us to today. John Brunner wrote one of the best dystopian SF novels, Stand on Zanzibar. Among many other picturesque ills & disasters the world of SoZ is heir to, they have berserkers. The silicon switches inside people’s heads flip to overload, and they start killing others. More or less at random & spur-o-the-moment. It’s a problem. I think I want to dig that out & read it again (its ‘spiritual sequel’, The Sheep Look Up, is supposed to be even more challenging. I should dig it out, too: time I read it).

Something is VERY wrong, and the steps continually forced upon us (more firearms, fewer restrictions, less accountability) have unquestionably exacerbated the wrongness.

Like TruckNutz, but with a huge bodycount
LOL. "Make you OWN shooter drills!" It keeps getting crazier doesn't it.

The Sheep Look Up was the first Brunner I read. I was a kid and could see the parallels between Brunner's vision and the horrors that took place around Love Canal. That book changed my life.

Stand on Zanzibar affected me but not like The Sheep Look Up did.

Agree that today is looking more and more like a combination of the two.

I read a few others of his but they didn't have the same punch that those two did.
As far as I know they just banned new sales and one has to have a permit to own one plus a valid reason and there are other restrictions too. It is a way to reduce the numbers of guns in America while staying inside the constitution, or some future US government could simply ban semi-automatic firearms of all kinds, even double action revolvers, cock and shoot only, that would also be constitutional. The 2nd constrains the methods the government can employ to taxation and regulation of types and calibers. In any case it is not up to me, but some future federal government in the states. I'm just laying out some possible constitutional methods for doing it, from the gentle registration and taxation to the harsh banning of semiautomatic weapons.

Things are generally like this on the rest of the planet...

Can you still use handguns in Canada?

You risk criminal charges and jail if you buy, sell, give away, or inherit any pistol or revolver. When you die, police will confiscate your handguns without compensation. For now, you're allowed to keep and use your handguns. If you applied to transfer handguns before today, you may still get the authorizations.Oct 21, 2022

Check out the fees and permit costs here.

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Just to clarify, those fees cover 5 years.
I'm just spelling out the constitutional methods that can accomplish certain ends, it is up to you to do it eventually and we both know what is required to pass a federal law. If they can have laws the 80% of people oppose, then they can also have laws that 80% of the people approve of. If the government decides to do this one day and you gotta mow down a million-gun nuts, that is what will be done. You just have to look at what other liberal democracies have done to see the future. You will control guns about the same time you have single payer government health care, when enough of a majority make up their minds about it. It's not up to me, as I said, I'm just spelling out the options that are constitutional and withing the feds power.

Well I would have to ask who you expect to pull that trigger. The people that have gravitated to those sort of positions are often there because they are the gun nuts you think they should shoot. When that task force shows up, quite a few people will not be home. They will certainly be happy to take the weapons from minorities and anyone they view as an enemy though.

Your view would require some sort of uncorruptable benevolent government. We don't have that, see cheeto Jesus.
Well I would have to ask who you expect to pull that trigger. The people that have gravitated to those sort of positions are often there because they are the gun nuts you think they should shoot. When that task force shows up, quite a few people will not be home. They will certainly be happy to take the weapons from minorities and anyone they view as an enemy though.

Your view would require some sort of uncorruptable benevolent government. We don't have that, see cheeto Jesus.
I'm just spelling out the possible ways the federal government could reduce the number of guns constitutionally in America. The feds can ban weapons with legislation, and it can tax them too. Do these gun nuts pay property and income tax? Why should they, they are armed and will shoot anybody who comes near! You don't need an incorruptible government, just a majority to pass federal laws, supported by a majority of public opinion. It has happened in every other liberal democracy and the more democracy the faster it happens. It happened in Canada a certain way because we don't have a 2nd amendment and a SCOTUS that misinterprets it for political reasons. In America the way it can be done is somewhat constrained. The idea of a $100 annual tax on handguns is simply to reduce their number while staying inside the constitution, in Canada that was not required, we simply are in the process of outlawing handguns. If you die in Canada your handguns go to the police for disposal, no transfers and no compensation, everybody dies sooner or later.

Of course, they are gonna wait for anybody they think has a screw loose to be at work or away from their arsenal, when the bust Ammon Bundy it will be in his car, not his house. Minorities generally won't be the targets of these raids, fear driven white people with large numbers of weapons will be. Like in Texas, there will be $10K reward for ratting out the neighborhood gun nut.

By the time these laws come to pass in America robocop will knock on the door and want their guns and he will be pretty well bullet proof. Robodog will be bullet proof too and will come out of the house or the rubble with the gun in its jaw pincers and some the cold dead hands, no doubt, will still be attached. The ATF agents will be having a coffee in a van parked down the street. :lol:
When I post to a thread like this or the climate change thread, I tend to be solution oriented and not just there to bitch, though I do that too, but not exclusively. I like to make realistic suggestions for how the US federal government could and probably will end up tackling this problem of large numbers of guns easily available to the mentally and emotionally unstable. Make all the regs you want, but in many red states every second home has a gun inside and the owner is at work while the thief breaks in. Guns would be one of the most valuable items to steal and would fetch the highest price on the street and as guns became more restricted the price will go higher. So safe storage laws will be part of the picture too, as will making people liable if they are not, stored unloaded and locked with the ammo stored separately.

I don't think America will continue on its present course with guns for too much longer and within 10 or 20 years you will likely see change. The GOP is going down in flames before our eyes, lies and bigotry can only bring them so far. Trump is causing the destruction of the republican party and since they turned fascist and treasonous, if they lose, the democrats will finish them off as a constitutional duty. How will they do this? By getting rid of foxnews and making their business model problematic, by passing voting rights and HR1 to level the playing field and with a host of other provisions to remove the republicans built in 10-point advantage. The problem with guns is the same one for a lot of other things in America, minority rule and a lack of true democracy. The more democracy, the faster guns go away, it's how it works everywhere else where there is a functioning liberal democracy, in America it is dysfunctional, and guns are but one symptom of this.
When I post to a thread like this or the climate change thread, I tend to be solution oriented and not just there to bitch, though I do that too, but not exclusively. I like to make realistic suggestions for how the US federal government could and probably will end up tackling this problem of large numbers of guns easily available to the mentally and emotionally unstable. Make all the regs you want, but in many red states every second home has a gun inside and the owner is at work while the thief breaks in. Guns would be one of the most valuable items to steal and would fetch the highest price on the street and as guns became more restricted the price will go higher. So safe storage laws will be part of the picture too, as will making people liable if they are not, stored unloaded and locked with the ammo stored separately.

I don't think America will continue on its present course with guns for too much longer and within 10 or 20 years you will likely see change. The GOP is going down in flames before our eyes, lies and bigotry can only bring them so far. Trump is causing the destruction of the republican party and since they turned fascist and treasonous, if they lose, the democrats will finish them off as a constitutional duty. How will they do this? By getting rid of foxnews and making their business model problematic, by passing voting rights and HR1 to level the playing field and with a host of other provisions to remove the republicans built in 10-point advantage. The problem with guns is the same one for a lot of other things in America, minority rule and a lack of true democracy. The more democracy, the faster guns go away, it's how it works everywhere else where there is a functioning liberal democracy, in America it is dysfunctional, and guns are but one symptom of this.
Not just Trump is causing the destruction of the Republican Party. His followers are everywhere in the US and we all know some of them. If it were just Trump, he'd be a laughingstock. We know how angry, violent and poisonous he creed is because we've all had to put up with one of his own spewing Trumpist poison over the dinner table. Just look at the posts made by a Trumpist on this very page and the responses he's getting. We know they have their damn guns and revel in the power they feel it gives them. (self defense, my ass, they love their gun because it makes them feel like a superhero). We know they deliberately made bad choices during the pandemic and helped spread the disease. We know of many bad choices they made. So, it's more than just Trump who is accelerating the demise of the Republican Party. Normal people are repelled by what it has become. I don't think there is any way to resuscitate the old Eisenhower version of conservatism. What we now are seeing are results from decisions Nixon and Reagan made more than fifty years ago. Their choice to use the war on drugs, dog whistles and grievance politics to attract the racist white vote began a long decline. It's taken that long for the rot to set in and kill the tree.

The last time a Republican President was voted into office with a majority popular vote was George W Bush in 2004, almost 20 years ago. Not just Trump is causing the death of the Republican Party, its leaders and its base are killing it.
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Not just Trump is causing the destruction of the Republican Party. His followers are everywhere in the US and we all know some of them. If it were just Trump, he'd be a laughingstock. We know how angry, violent and poisonous he creed is because we've all had to put up with one of his own spewing Trumpist poison over the dinner table. Just look at the posts made by a Trumpist dickhead on this very page and the responses he's getting. We know they have their damn guns and revel in the power they feel it gives them. (self defense, my ass, they love their gun because it makes them feel like a superhero). We know they deliberately made bad choices during the pandemic and helped spread the disease. We know of many bad choices they made. So, it's more than just Trump who is accelerating the demise of the Republican Party. Normal people are repelled by what it has become. I don't think there is any way to resuscitate the old Eisenhower version of conservatism. What we now are seeing are results from decisions Nixon and Reagan made more than fifty years ago. Their choice to use the war on drugs, dog whistles and grievance politics to attract the racist white vote began a long decline. It's taken that long for the rot to set in and kill the tree.

The last time a Republican President was voted into office with a majority popular vote was George W Bush in 2004, almost 20 years ago. Not just Trump is causing the death of the Republican Party, its leaders and its base are killing it.
Trump drove out the moderate forces in the GOP and we see them all over TV, Trump and Obama before him helped to fill in the vacancies with white trash racists. He got more votes in 2020 than in 2016 from this cohort who usually don't vote, they more than made up in numbers what they lost in brains. The red state republicans are now doing them the most damage nationally with radical antiabortion and other fascistic legislation like book banning and anti LBGTQ polices and acts. However, Kevin's house is helping a lot too and the daily clown show as America heads for a fiscal cliff is getting some attention too and just proves they are unfit to hold office at any level. First Obama shocked white America twice and filled the republican party with even more racists who increasingly played a bigger role in the party. When Trump came along, he finished the job while repelling anybody who was a patriot and had common sense. It didn't take long for the people with hearts and brains to leave after Trump became POTUS, many lifers could not take it and walked out. Now all that remains are racists, bigots and fascists of one variety or another, there is not a patriot or honest person left among them.
Trump drove out the moderate forces in the GOP and we see them all over TV, Trump and Obama before him helped to fill in the vacancies with white trash racists. He got more votes in 2020 than in 2016 from this cohort who usually don't vote, they more than made up in numbers what they lost in brains. The red state republicans are now doing them the most damage nationally with radical antiabortion and other fascistic legislation like book banning and anti LBGTQ polices and acts. However, Kevin's house is helping a lot too and the daily clown show as America heads for a fiscal cliff is getting some attention too and just proves they are unfit to hold office at any level. First Obama shocked white America twice and filled the republican party with even more racists who increasingly played a bigger role in the party. When Trump came along, he finished the job while repelling anybody who was a patriot and had common sense. It didn't take long for the people with hearts and brains to leave after Trump became POTUS, many lifers could not take it and walked out. Now all that remains are racists, bigots and fascists of one variety or another, there is not a patriot or honest person left among them.

I see Trump as more of a symptom than a cause. There has been a trend toward violent radicalism in the Republican Party that has been going on for decades now. When George W Bush spoke in Eugene Oregon during a campaign tour in 2004, a protester who disrupted Bush's speech was beaten by attendees and NOBODY in the Republican Party spoke out against that. That kind of behavior and attitude toward violence visited upon their opposition goes back to the Nixon years. Nixon embraced it. That was the beginning of the end for rational conservatives in the GOP. Trump was just an outcome, not a cause. He's poisonous fruit from the tree that was planted a long time ago, going back to McCarthyism and the Red Scare and is now dying.
I see Trump as more of a symptom than a cause. There has been a trend toward violent radicalism in the Republican Party that has been going on for decades now. When George W Bush spoke in Eugene Oregon during a campaign tour in 2004, a protester who disrupted Bush's speech was beaten by attendees and NOBODY in the Republican Party spoke out against that. That kind of behavior and attitude toward violence visited upon their opposition goes back to the Nixon years. Nixon embraced it. That was the beginning of the end for rational conservatives in the GOP. Trump was just an outcome, not a cause. He's poisonous fruit from the tree that was planted a long time ago, going back to McCarthyism and the Red Scare and is now dying.
I agree and it goes all the way back to voting rights in the sixties and Jackie Robinson and other black people walking out of the party over it. The unlikely LBJ became the champion for civil rights and the Dixiecrats were aghast! It paved the way for Nixion's southern strategy and the almost overnight conversion of the south to the traditionally hated republican party. It is a problem rooted in racism that has been festering with in the GOP for a long time and IMHO two things completed the process of conversion to fascism, the election of Obama twice and then the election of Trump and the ensuing fiasco that drove any moderate voices out of the republican party. The covid fiasco really impressed me and how Trump almost was reelected even after catching covid a few weeks before the election and all the evidence of gross incompetence and dereliction of duty. This convinced me that most of the problem lays with the electorate and a significant enough portion of them were influenced by foxnews disinformation and promotion of tribalism. You cannot defeat and reform the republican party unless you also get rid of foxnews and any wannabes.

In Canada we are trying to get the CRTC to ban foxnews from cable for promoting hated towards the LBGTQ community.