Yet another Attitude fails @ stealth - ISC Chicago

yeah. they need to step up their stealth game... we'll see what comes this time. I mean... 1st step is they have to mix it up and not keep using the same shit over & over... after one or two are found, patterns will emerge... and with the technology today (trust me on this one) scanning packages as they fly by on high speed conveyors and having image recognition by software... Friends... That's old hat... industries have mastered those techniques... once the image recognition 'pattern' is in the "machine" - it could then start pin pointing 'suspicious' packages at rapid speed... and probably all of them... not just a random sampling...

Hell if I worked there I'd ask for a budget to buy seeds and see what they come in... competitive intelligence...

How can they not be made the subject of an international arrest warrant and extradited to the US, Like that Canadian guy, for prosecution....?
Sending package after package of concealed goods that the authorities dislike enough to confiscate on sight....
PLUS the Canadian guy (Jack Herer...?) doing 5 years for sending seeds into America
(Maybe the Americans picked n him cos he's a left wing Canadian - the most hated species in Washington)???
