Yet another first time grower! 4 weeks old


Active Member
I figure it's about time I started looking into comparing my plant to others and seeing where I can improve ^_^

I have been taking photos every 3 days from about 2 weeks old. and it's about 1 month old now. 4 weeks. The strain is "Skunk #1" but I wasn't brilliantly fussed about the strain as it is only my first grow.

I had run into some problems involving the ends of the bottom leaves dying, it started when I sprayed water on the plant whilst in the sunlight, I know now that was a bad thing to do :( However the problem is still making the leaves die. I don't know whether to be concerned or not as the top leaves are fine.

I have posted a picture that I best have of the 'damage' and my most recent one.

What do you lot think about it? doing well for 4 weeks? It sits on my windowsil through the day and if im awake after dark I sit it by my lamp for extra light, only a 40w desk thingy though!

Any comments about the dying leaves would be welcome too!


grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man looking good to me-just fine.dont worry about that little thing, little bit stretched only(looking 4 sunlight on your windowsill).

keep up the good work...


Active Member
Awesome, and thank you :)

How much longer do you think I should veg it for? I was aiming for just 2 months, but given the size of it 1 month in, I don't think another month on top will be enough.

Thanks again

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i was going to say that you must be using natural light or something, as a comparison, mine have been going 23 days, just over 3 weeks, and here's one of them as of when i woke up this morning.



New Member
For a month that's looking rather small - but if your growing it by a window and with an incadescent bulb, im not surprised! Get some CFL's or something... otherwise it'll probably end up being a waste of time - and skunk #1 is a nice strain so if you can get a harvest your first time you'll love it.


Active Member
nice plant! I must say I need to invest less time and more money :P

How much should you pay for a CFL? I'm thinking 150w or something small.

Thanks for the ref pic tip top :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not a worry, depends where you are and where you're shopping, but on the whole, cfl lights are very cheap. using retail stores, i was not able to find much in the way of colour and lumen and ulb choice for cfl's, and i was stuck with buying two T8 36w tubes, as that was all was available and suitable. couldn't find those spiral cfl bulbs anywhere, and Y splitters even harder to find. probably easier in the US and if i'd been patient, ebay would probably win for me. as it is i went for a 400w hps, lots of mylar, so you're still doing pretty well for just sat on the windowsill :)

oh, i paid £15 for each light, that was a 3 foot T8, and the holder job etc, so not toooo expensive, pity i don't use em :D

for that single plant, you could get away with just a couple of small 42w bulbs or something like that


Active Member
I began with Organic soil, but there where crazy white bugs in it which grey into flys so I got rid of it, and repotted the plant with some soil for hanging baskets which has some of the water retention stuff in it. Luckily it is big bits of green stuff, so I fished some, but not all of it out.

Thanks again Tip Top, more rep for you haha.
I'll have to browse in the next week till I get some cash. From what little looking at lights I have done I was expecting to pay about £40~50 for something small. I have a white warbrobe all bare ready to put a light in, I thought that the sunlight was doing the plant a lot of good hence the hesitation, guess I was wrong?

Sun 0 - Man 1 haha


Active Member
Would putting a 2nd desk lamp with it make any difference? I know it's still rubbish, but 2 is better than 1? Gotta wait about a week before I can get a 'proper' light :P


Active Member
I hope this does not sound immensly stupid.

CLF Lights are just plain old boring energy saving lights?

I've got loads of them!


New Member
I hope this does not sound immensly stupid.

CLF Lights are just plain old boring energy saving lights?

I've got loads of them!

Yeah, the curly swirly light bulbs for energy saving. Just get a mixture of warm and cool white of them, get the highest actual wattage you can [not equiv wattage, actual wattage] and you'll be sorted.

You need at the minimum 100 watts per sq ft and even more than that to be sorted good and propa/


Active Member
You got no idea how hard I punched myself after I googled CFL lol

I have 2 75W with it now, but you said true wattage and I think that they might be 14w each. if that's not possible then 2 75Ws it is :D

I'll post a pic tomorrow, its that time tomorrow :)

Thanks for helping out a real numpty :D:D


Active Member
Heres the pics of the 2 x 14w CFLs haha

This morning I found the first 7 leaf, leaf!


The leaf problem is still continuing though :( it's been over a week, and I have flushed the soil once, but I dont know if I've solved the problem?

Could it possably be a PH problem? this is the one thing I'm not equiped to deal with =/ don't have any PH testers or anything


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
mate, just get on ebay and buy one.

i bought a cheap and cheerful light, ph, and moisture meter for £4 on ebay, arrived next day, is not 100% accurate but it's one of those things you just really gotta have.


Active Member
I never thought of ebay actually, probably becuase anything I ordered never arrived and had to wait weks for a refund haha

I'll have a looksee thanks for the pointer

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
to each their own :D i've never had a reason not to continue using it. selling and fee's are a pain but buying is just happy clappy :D