Yet Another Light Quiz

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Damn, Chachie! Plenty of thought? So if I didn't tell you that you should distribute an ICC profile, you would have realized that without it your test was useless, all on your own?
Look, you obviously have missed the part where your image will be rendered differently on different monitors. Thereby rendering your test completely useless.
Just forget the dumb tests. Your wasting your time.
Actually, never mind. Don't forget them. There's nothing good on TV today and watching you fail time and time again is pure entertainment.

Seeing as they're all the same image, and viewed on the same monitor any differences would be proportional, and insignificant. The images themselves do not have unique ICC profiles. They're identical color spaces.
And P.S., Chachie ...embedded ICC profiles in Jpegs are SO Photoshop 6. Graphic designer's like myself don't really use them anymore as Jpeg metadata tends to corrupt easily.
Nice try, though. Sort of nice try, rather.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Corruption only occurs on faulty hardware or with faulty software.

I actually own my version of PS7, thank you very much.
its easy to play smart when you already know the answer, from the subtle differences would you be able to pick out which ones were which if i did the same.

apart from the colors there is only one that stands out to me and that is d, i think that d is the cfl lights as the top left corner is covered only in this picture which means the light source is more spread out, a hid under a reflector probably wouldn't reach that area as brightly.
Seeing as they're all the same image, and viewed on the same monitor any differences would be proportional, and insignificant. The images themselves do not have unique ICC profiles. They're identical.

Yikes ...sad.
So you've clearly never heard of RGB gamma? For instance, if I take your image and bump up my red channel gamma by 25%, the changes in color and light intensity will be insignificant? You're hilarious.
Relativity is a moot point when you're dealing with even tiny differences in gamma across different computers.
You ...again.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Corruption only occurs on faulty hardware or with faulty software.

I actually own my version of PS7, thank you very much.

Software corruption only occurs on faulty hardware?
Good Lord there isn't enough time in the world to explain how wrong you are.
Here you go some learnificating:
So, my foolish friend, it is you who have no idea it is what you are talking about.
I'm glad you bought PS7. Cool story. My employer gave us that for Christmas years ago. They gave us CS4 more recently.

Don't you get tired of getting torn-up in every single thread you post?
D is 6500k -daylight. Which is why it appears the brightest; however, it does not have the most lumens. This is critical to understand. Human perception of light is limited. One color temperature can appear brighter even though it has less lumens compared to another source with a different color temperature.

They're not designed to mimic any specific bulbs(yes, you can get bulbs in all of these temperatures). They're just "free point photometric" light sources that have been assigned specific lumen magnitudes and specific color temperatures.
The images are using Windows default gamma. Not sure why you'd want to tint your display. They'd appear brighter on a Macintosh, but proportionally so.

You're certainly an odd one, t@intshredder.

I've worked in preprint before. I'm well aware of color spaces and gamma.
The images are using Windows default gamma. Not sure why you'd want to tint your display. They'd appear brighter on a Macintosh, but proportionally so.

You're certainly an odd one, t@intshredder.

Amazing. You have no clue at all what you're talking about. Gamma has nothing to do with "tinting" as you say.
Keep trying though. Like I said there's nothing on TV today and this thread is gold.
Amazing. You have no clue at all what you're talking about. Gamma has nothing to do with "tinting" as you say.
Keep trying though. Like I said there's nothing on TV today and this thread is gold.

Well, at least we both agree that we both think one another is clueless. That's progress, baby!

Let me explain it this way:

Goto the menu: View | Proof Setup | and select Windows RGB
I'm well aware of color spaces and gamma.

Clearly you're not.
I'm well aware of Quantum Physics ...that doesn't mean I know shit about it.
I'll give you some time to Google what I'm talking about so you can learn and not look like such a fool in your next post.
Take your time ...
C'mon, Chachie done learning yet? It's not that complicated.
Guess I'll just watch this waste of server space die out.
So whats your point? By posting this graph without saying why, you are confuzzeling the issue.
Even if we all agree which one has a brighter visible spectrum, the light you see is pretty unrelated to the light your plants use.
I understand the urge to justify going the cheap route (i'm assuming of course that you are pro cfl.) But all the pointless charts and graphs in the world won't prove your point.
We go through this about once a month with the LED guys and it always ends the same. The proof is in the pudding, and you sir (or madam) are missing the pudding.
I'm sure cfls are a completely viable option when it comes to growing dope, but they are not the best. HIDs are. <----thats a period, call me a dinosaur if you like, but this dinosaur grows fat buds.
If i'm completely out of line here, please put me in my place.
t@intshredder, stop spamming my thread. I'm done with you. We agree to disagree, now go away. :roll:

SpruceZeus, this is not a LED/CFL/HID comparison.

This applies to all light sources. All of the lights are 'generic'.
t@intshredder, stop spamming my thread. I'm done with you. We agree to disagree, now go away. :roll:

SpruceZeus, this is not a LED/CFL/HID comparison.

This applies to all light sources. All of the lights are 'generic'.

You don't want to play anymore after I proved how flawed your "tests" are?
This does blow, indeed. I was the only fool who actually gave him a chance, and answered the questions, and even I didn't get a response. WTF? I need the answers so I can put my grades on the fridge and have my mommy pat me on my special area. That's what good parents do. Don't tell me I failed the test though. I can't handle that right now.
(sing as if its the christmas carol o christmas tree)

All to gether now... 1-2-1-2-3-4


O TeaTreeOil, O Tea Tree!
How are thy leaves so sticky!
O TeaTreeOil, O Tea Tree,
How are thy leaves so sticky!

Not only in the summertime,
even under CFL's is thy are so shiney.

O TeaTreeOil, O Tea Tree,
How are thy leaves so sticky!
O TeaTreeOil, O Tea Tree,
Much pleasure your threads bring me!

O TeaTreeOil, O Tea Tree,
Much pleasure doth thou rendering bring me!
For every year the TeaTreeOil,
Brings to us all both the bullshit and glee.

O TeaTreeOil, O TeaTree,
Much your bullshit is boaring me!

O TeaTreeOil, O TeaTree,
Thy CFL's shine out so brightly!

O TeaTreeOil, O TeaTree,
Thy candle power burn so powerfully!
Each tiny lumen doth hold its PAR light,
That makes my toy HPS to sparkle like a fairy light.

O TeaTreeOil, O TeaTreeOil,
Thy shit shine out so brightly!
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