YIELD: four Autoflower, 2' x 2' x 4.6' tent, 280 actual watt LED, 100 watt t5...

Nah it just baffled me mate. Too well organised if that makes sense.
I like to talk a bit of nonsense in my journals and keep it fun.
Last propper one was about 90 pages lol.
All the important stuff goes on the first page then I do step by step as I'm going along.
I like to be able come and chat shit with folk like yourself too and it was just all a bit too regimented for me.
Keep it light and interesting and more people join in. I don't do fb, Twitter or anything like that so this is my social media too.
Ffs if you see me in the politics section tell me to go bed though haha.
I hear the guys in Politics are on another level of crazy. I've never even been in there to see XD
If i for some reason even were to go to the politics section its because i had too much sativa, i would be lucky to even remeber who i am as far as i know.
But yeah i get your point, its like some people spend their day on facebook, other do so on tiktok, they are both social platforms so they are similar, but they end up being completely different, i for example only use fb and instagram and its already too much, but others can spend their day going thru all of the available social platforms.
I find it's best for my mental health if I stick to talking about things I enjoy. Like growing weed.
"Social media" is an anti social device. Causes nothing but drama and aggression.
Might not have been designed that way but that's the way it is now.
I've got that much faith in the corruption of social media that I just put £20 on kanye west for president at 100-1. :)
I find it's best for my mental health if I stick to talking about things I enjoy. Like growing weed.
"Social media" is an anti social device. Causes nothing but drama and aggression.
Might not have been designed that way but that's the way it is now.
I've got that much faith in the corruption of social media that I just put £20 on kanye west for president at 100-1. :)

I wouldn't go that far, but one thing i know for sure, if it didn't exist, girls wouldn't be going around showing her ass and tits to everyone in enchange for the cheapest currency in the world, the Like, this just makes me sick to my stomach, and im 22yo. But hey, call me old fashioned.