Yield Potential


Well-Known Member
I was wondeing I will be growing a strain called Lavender approx 12 clones. I want to veg for 3-4 weeks. Would I be able to get 4oz from each plant using 1000w HPS and CO2 in soil?


Well-Known Member
3lbs total with one 1000w light, that's 1.36g per watt. Not gonna say its impossible just very unlikely.


2oz Max per plant would be more like it and thats depending on all other enviromental factors & space


Active Member
Impossible to guess yield because there are so many variables. The biggest one being strain.

Ask anyone that grows OG Bubba if it's a producer.. you'll probably hear 1 oz if you got your shit dialed in. 1/2 oz if you don't per plant.


Well-Known Member
The strain I have is a nice yielding strain they get about .78 grams per watt under a 1000W. Is .75g/watt alot