Yield Question? 12 plants 2000 watts


Well-Known Member
A yield of 2.5g of fully dried and manicured bud per watt is indeed legendary. In the 10+ years I've been growing I've never had a crop that exceeded 1.3g per watt, and I've never heard of or seen anyone else achieve yields that high. And believe me when I tell you I'm connected with some serious commercial and connoisseur growers. I'm not doubting what you say, I'm just very curious as to exactly how you pulled off such an intense yield. What strain were you growing? What sort of setup do you have? Soil, or hydro? And what about your lights and nutes?

I've heard of vertical growing, but I've never seen one or read much about them. Can you tell me more about that, or point me to a good place for info on it? Thanks :-D


Well-Known Member
check my sig.. will give you an idea... also search for heath robinson... his critical mass tree grow yielded 5lbs off of 2 plants vegged for 6 weeks and flowered under 1800w vertical bulbs which is what about 1.25 gpw? cramming more plants in, adding co2 etc. would easily put it over 2 gpw


Well-Known Member
I agree with you mate adding more plants veg’ing for 6 weeks on 24/0 2 weeks 20/4 then bud would push it to 2.5 3g per w. Although argument is flawed now as new energy efficient bulbs that produce 90 watts of 2700k light actually only use 11 w consumption. Also if you had 10x100w spread under canopy and top then the lower part of the plants would double its yield this is not achievable with 1x1000w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYPIi-AuRwg this one plant only had 1000w its final yield was 600grams you could have grown 4 or 5 with 1000w slightly less yields but blows the weed/watt theory right out the water


I have 12 plants under 2000 watt HPS
nute fox farm
soil fox farm
co2 i dont know how much im using but its a propane co2 generator 11,000 btu with 4 ports im only using 1 port right now

I was wondering how much yield i should get i veg them for 2 months they are 16inches tall and i just switched to 12/12 they were veged under 1000 watt MH but now flowering under 2000 watt HPS anybody please help me answer my question of how much yield i should get

Genetics: Northern Lights, Skunk , El Nino
Effect: Calming and Relaxing, Fruity taste and Smell
Flowering indoor: Ready in 8 to 9 weeks.
Yield up to 800Gr
Flowering outdoor: October
Yield up to 900 gr/plant.
THC: 15,6%
Depends on strain, environment, light distance ECT. But probably between 2- 3lbs dry.


hope ya dont mind if i jump in this thread with a noob question.

its about pot size, does it make a massive difference to the plant if i cant get big old 3 gallon pots while growing a dwarf auto flowering strain?

whats the smallest size pot you can use before your plant gets stunted growth due to this?
I veg a month and use 5 gallon sq pots. I usually get 5-6 zips per plant under single end 1000. Decent rule of thumb is an ounce per gallon of media