

Well-Known Member
lol, OMG dude you want to know how many factors play into this???

Ok let's see here.....

how long you veg
how long you flower
do you know anything about hydroiponics
do you have a PH tester
do you have nutrients
do you have a ppm meter
do you have any growing expierence at all
how many CFL's
I could keep goin but I won't...

The TRUTH: You could yield anywhere from 1g up to 4 oz's depending on a few things..... :) Hope this helps!... lol


Active Member
lots of expierence...4 years worth...first time hydro..yes got nutes..got 4 23 watt 6700k and a 4 ft flouro with 2 6700k..ill prolly veg for 3 months or so...jus lookin for a estimatecause im thinking about gettin a HPS for flower but not sure yet


Active Member
Did you ask us to guess how much you could yield, when you didn't even tell us how many plants, or what size they are?


Well-Known Member
If this is your first time hydro there are gonna be alot of mistakes that you make that you MUST learn from.

There are so many variables that play a part in growing.

Depending on your skills it is very difficult to say how much you will yield. On my first ever grow i got 35g dry from 1 plant under a 600w and i classed that as GREAT at the time.
the average amount to aim for is 0.5g per actuall watt of light used.

But then there is alot that goes into it. If you want a decent yield you have to allow your plant time to grow and mature.

Flowering an immature plant will result in a lower yield.

then there is the issue of the environment. If you dont have control of all the variables in your environment your yield will suffer again. TEMPS RH AIR EXCHANGES etc etc. Even something as simple as adjusting the temps of your res can have effects on your plants.

and also to mention training with the plant.

As you can see there a alot of variables that make a successfull grow.

Make sure you research first about your chosen setup and perform test runs of your environment for full light cycles to check all temps etc.



Well-Known Member
lots of expierence...4 years worth...first time hydro..yes got nutes..got 4 23 watt 6700k and a 4 ft flouro with 2 6700k..ill prolly veg for 3 months or so...jus lookin for a estimatecause im thinking about gettin a HPS for flower but not sure yet
If you use these lights only the entire grow. You would be LUCKY to get around 50g's..... EXTREMELY LUCKY! Now if you get an HPS that's a completely different story!.. lol


Misguided Angel
If it seems like people are busting your balls it's because you started probably the most often seen thread on this site, the dreaded what will I yield thread. Check any of those threads on here and you will see the exact same answers you got... My rule of thumb is always expect to get a quarter of what you thought you were gonna get for your first grow. Good luck!


Active Member
well thanx a lot guys..and i take constructive critisicim well lol..i am most likey gna go with a hps for flower and even considering a switchable ballast..i appreciate the ansewrs n srry for the most asked thread


Well-Known Member
a switchable ballast is the way to go. I did that and can go from MH to HPS just by changing a bulb . Great investment.