

Well-Known Member
That's why I joined at least. To learn and ask for help when needed. Who better to learn from than other growers? I'm serious about growing and I'm trying to learn everything I can before I start my grow so I don't make beginners mistakes. Excuse the heck out of me for not wanting to waste my money and time. Cuz time is money.


Well-Known Member
I agree too. Time to turn my dreams into reality friend :) I'm excited for sure. A big step forward in my life. I know in my heart I'm doing the right thing. I'm already addicted and I haven't even started yet. I'm always on my phone learning. Reading n watching vids on YouTube and working on my grow order. Done with the order now. Just waiting on my taxes to come in. Then uncle Sam will fund my medical grow. Haha fu*k the gvt.


Well-Known Member
My friends are always yelling at me cuz I'm always on my phone learning. Now my focus is just on learning as much as I can cram in my brain and on paper (taking notes)


Well-Known Member

There you go.. You haven't even planted a seed and you're already asking about yield?? If you have done half the research you claim then you wouldn't have to ask stupid questions (and before anybody chimes in, YES THERE ARE STUPID QUESTIONS and most that include "yield" lack general intelligence).

According to you, you have multiple buddies IRL, including one just a few blocks away, that are growing primo buds.. Wont they answer your questions?

I have seen 100's of threads like this, and maybe a handful wound up with a smokable end product.. but BEST OF LUCK and I hope you become number 6!

Plant the bean and grow it brother!

*singing* bout a pound bout a pound


Well-Known Member
I got this. And I'm starting from clones. Seeds take 4ever to get here. I've ordered them from the single seed Centre and it took like two months when my buddy started off. I helped him out a bit which is why he will help me out a bit. I don't ask them dumb questions cuz i dont wanna get dumb answers. But thanks man. It means allot. And I will not fail. I've seen people fail cuz they thought they knew what they were doing. And I didn't wanna be that guy so I started researching all i could before I started. The more you know the better you'll do right? If you incorporate everything you learn into your grow. I'm not wasting all my money and time to fail. That's not an option. I got this chief kief.


Well-Known Member
Im confident. But not over confident. Just over excited. Which is why I asked a dumb question. But i dont think it was a dumb question cuz i learned allot. :)


Active Member
The only dumb Question is the one not asked you take what works for you weed out the assholes and go on. Have fun thats the main thing