1day over 3rd week into flower. I don't know if she was this quick last time. But I like it.


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I'm calling her mother Scarlet Nopantson. Because her lower canopy is missing. So all you can see is leg and bush. And she gets nice color to her.

Dude I'm so pumped for your roots!! Don't waste em man! Get her in some medium and make things happen. I want to see a new cab fully operational in 24 hours!:lol:
Lmao. I wish I could do it like that. I've picked one and stuck that in a small space bucket for the moment.

The rest... I'm undecided. I've already got three plants sucking electricity indoors (incl s-bucket). And two others outdoors that are getting molested by slimy critters.

Only other thing I can do is give some to my mates who grow.
Lmao. I wish I could do it like that. I've picked one and stuck that in a small space bucket for the moment.

The rest... I'm undecided. I've already got three plants sucking electricity indoors (incl s-bucket). And two others outdoors that are getting molested by slimy critters.

Only other thing I can do is give some to my mates who grow.
Always a good option. and get some new cuts when you've freed up the cab
With just the one cfl on. I think that bucket counts as low light. I've just given one clone away. It was healthy while I had it. I just hope the dumbarse I gave it to, can follow simple instructions. Per example: water only, once a week. Or- as it looks to be slightly wilted.
Here's mah sekse ladeh at just shy of 1 month into second flowering.

Can't wait for the next two months to go by. She gonna be a chunky beotch this time. And I'm gonna be stuck trimming for a while. Unless I feel the need to buy one of those hand crank bowl trimmers.

Collect me a nice big pile of hashables... or budder mix.


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Clean enough to see into and through some places. It's kinda hard to get in there now that the mesh is down. And with how high up the sides of the pot go.

Quite a few times I thought a was grabbing suckers. Only to find they had reached just shy of the mesh.

Found it quite difficult to figure out what to cut. And what to keep.
29th Aug 17... Upgrade all teh things!

I've installed a new (1 in 3 out) powerboard-timer. A fan speed controller. And the heavy krunt of a thing that sucks all the smelly air outta my grow box. Including the scrubber.

I can tell you right now. Next time I decide to build a new grow space. I'm getting the fuckin parts first. THEN, building around them. I just about flipped out trying to install the fan. The stupid powerbox on its side made it so I couldn't mount it as close to the vent I'd cut.

Only missing the 40x jewelers loupe now. That one comes either next week. Or maybe even a week or two later. Hopefully well and truly before I gotta chop.

Anywhoozle... Pics to prove it happened.
20170829_170237.jpgOh. And I had to knock out the shelf to reposition it. Otherwise I couldn't get the extractor installed. 20170829_205757.jpg 20170829_193213.jpgYou can see that really well in this one. Where the cords go in and out is where the shelf was sitting. 20170829_210441.jpg
Yeah. Thats one plant @ladywolf .

It was a bitch to set up. 1" metal mesh makes for a bad choice to scrog with.
The fan was a nightmare to install. And the timer gave me grief figuring out why it wasn't doing what it's supposed to. Most of the creases are ironed out though. Just got to make better seals on some things. Then I'm done.

Only real gripe is that the box is now even noisier than before. But its also got a far larger, beefier fan thats gotta pull through a carbon scrubber. I'll forgive it for that.

However. I want my next box to be a whole lot quieter. Maybe even sound dampened.
Think my clones may be too damp. Leaves are curling weirdly on a few.
20170829_224106.jpgUnless it's reveg... which it could be. Considering most are cuts from a flowering momma. 1 cell down and in from top right is a Pineapple Chunk.

Here's momma Chunk. Missing an arm. Damn wire cut through most of that branch. Not so sure about that clone surviving. The piece was rather small. But they're supposed to be easy to clone. So, we'll see.20170829_224352.jpgAnd yes. This box is grotty. White chipboard isn't made for this application. And those black lines are worms that for whatever reason, decided they wanted to venture outside of their safehaven.

The pineapple clone didn't happen. Whatever was buried ended up as slimy mush. And some of the other clones don't seem to be taking.

I may need to ditch the contents and give the cloner a wash with a weak bleach solution.

Everything else seems fine. Momma is still blooming nicely. The clones are still alive too... Well, at least the ones I have are. Don't know about the one I gave to idiot though. That could very well be dead already.

Not too much else to report. Except that I've added a compost tea brewing station to the mix.

Here's some random shots of it all. Plus a trich shot.

Momma smells really fruity. Kinda like a lemon Starburst. But with more zing. And less fake lemon. I'm not sure how to describe exactly. But it's really nice. I could just about snort a bud smelling them.


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Here's some hopefully better trich shots. I got a new scope in the mail today. 20170905_170944.jpg

Bought two new additions for the garden too. Not intending on eating them. They're for giving the annoying little critters that like to buttfuck our gardens some payback.20170905_184917.jpg