YO! Bob Zmuda check in

Jesus eating mexicans, why does it always come back to eating mexicans! @Gary Goodson I appeal to you
Grey hair - I'll match ya on that one. :wink:

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Pools? Mrs. GWN worked at a large resort in Key West when I was stationed there - Christmas party, we're in the pool with our 3 (at the time) kids with all the other employees when she asked me where our son (5 year old) was, a quick spin around shows my boy really big eyed :shock: about 3' under looking up @ me.
Seconds before he was scooting along the edge of the pool hanging on to the drain channel having a blast.

Shit happens quick, he's in his 30's now - pay attention.

With a name like Great White North, ya got a rep to uphold.
Can't tell you how many army men, pieces of toast & hotwheels I've had to pull out of VCR's over the years (for those of you whom don't even remember CD players I can't help you there).

It's a wild ride, buckle up buttercup. :cool:
I bought a guard that cliped onto the vcr to keep detritus out of them.

Right after catching my grandson trying to load a PBJ into my new sony. :shock: